Meeting the challenges of reducing earthquake losses; engineering accomplishments and frontiers
Meeting the challenges of reducing earthquake losses; engineering accomplishments and frontiers
Earthquake Spectra (November 1999) 15 (4): 813-823
Accomplishments in earthquake engineering under the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) have been numerous since the inception of the federal program in 1977 and are noted herein with a series of examples of former and present work done by NSF, FEMA, NIST and their investigators. These examples illustrate the implementation of research and development towards reducing earthquake losses, and include projects done to (a) better understand response of constructed facilities to earthquakes, (b) develop improved national standards and practices for planning, design and construction of earthquake resistant facilities, (c) develop methods for assessment of vulnerability of existing facilities to earthquake effects, and (d) develop methods for strengthening or repair of vulnerable facilities. Future frontiers in earthquake engineering research are also discussed including cross-disciplinary approaches of newly established national earthquake engineering research centers that are directed at minimizing losses to communities and national networks.