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Radiocarbon and paleomagnetic chronology of the Searles Lake Formation, San Bernardino County, California, USA

Jeffrey R. Knott, Joseph C. Liddicoat, Robert S. Coe and Robert M. Negrini
Radiocarbon and paleomagnetic chronology of the Searles Lake Formation, San Bernardino County, California, USA (in From saline to freshwater; the diversity of western lakes in space and time, Scott W. Starratt (editor) and Michael R. Rosen (editor))
Special Paper - Geological Society of America (December 2019) 536


The Searles Lake Formation in Searles Valley, southeastern California, represents deposition of the paleo-Owens River into a Pleistocene and Holocene pluvial terminal lake. A prior 32-10 ka estimated age for the upper part of the Searles Lake Formation relied on uncalibrated, conventional radiocarbon dates. We present accelerator mass spectrometer radiocarbon dates that indicate the base of the Searles Lake Formation at the Poison Canyon type section is 46 ka. That age is consistent with paleomagnetic data at Poison Canyon and the Tire Farm locality, which record high-latitude Southern Hemisphere virtual geomagnetic poles that we assign to the 41 ka Laschamp excursion. The presence of Searles Lake at 46-43 ka also is consistent with a Pacific storm track that extended south of 37.5 degrees N at that time. At the head of Salt Wells Valley-Poison Canyon, sediments that we interpret as a Searles Lake highstand were radiocarbon dated at 14.1 ka.

ISSN: 0072-1077
EISSN: 2331-219X
Serial Title: Special Paper - Geological Society of America
Serial Volume: 536
Title: Radiocarbon and paleomagnetic chronology of the Searles Lake Formation, San Bernardino County, California, USA
Title: From saline to freshwater; the diversity of western lakes in space and time
Author(s): Knott, Jeffrey R.Liddicoat, Joseph C.Coe, Robert S.Negrini, Robert M.
Author(s): Starratt, Scott W.editor
Author(s): Rosen, Michael R.editor
Affiliation: California State University, Department of Geological Sciences, Fullerton, CA, United States
Affiliation: U. S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, United States
Published: 20191231
Text Language: English
Publisher: Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO, United States
ISBN: 9780813795362
References: 51
Accession Number: 2020-010988
Categories: Quaternary geologyGeochronology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 3 tables, sketch maps
N35°30'00" - N36°00'00", W117°45'00" - W117°00'00"
Secondary Affiliation: Columbia University, USA, United StatesUniversity of California, Santa Cruz, USA, United StatesCalifornia State University, Bakersfield,
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2020, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 202008
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