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Seismic and lithofacies characterization of a gravity core transect down the submarine Tuaheni Landslide complex, NE New Zealand

Jannis Kuhlmann, Alan R. Orpin, Joshu J. Mountjoy, Gareth J. Crutchley, Stuart Henrys, Ryan Lunenburg and Katrin Huhn
Seismic and lithofacies characterization of a gravity core transect down the submarine Tuaheni Landslide complex, NE New Zealand (in Subaqueous mass movements, D. G. Lintern (editor), D. C. Mosher (editor), L. G. Moscardelli (editor), P. T. Bobrowsky (editor), C. Campbell (editor), J. D. Chaytor (editor), John J. Clague (editor), A. Georgiopoulou (editor), Patrick Lajeunesse (editor), A. Normandeau (editor), David J. W. Piper (editor), M. Scherwath (editor), C. Stacey (editor) and D. Turmel (editor))
Special Publication - Geological Society of London (July 2018) 477 (1): 479-495


The southern Tuaheni Landslide Complex (TLC) at the Hikurangi subduction margin displays distinctive morphological features along its distribution over the Tuaheni slope offshore Gisborne, New Zealand. We here present first analyses of a gravity core transect that systematically samples surficial sediments from the source area to the toe of this landslide complex, thus providing important new insight into shallow lithological variation in the slide complex. Geophysical and geochemical core logs and core descriptions form the basis for a characterization of representative sediment successions that are indicative of the respective slope segment of recovery. Our results show that the lithology of surficial sediments varies significantly along the length of the landslide complex. Depending on the slope segment observed, this variation includes post-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) outer-shelf sediments, and hemipelagic drape and near-surface reworked debris avalanche deposits, as well as multiple intercalated thinner turbidites and tephra layers at the distal end of the profile. Lithological downslope variability suggests ongoing mass transport events through the late Holocene that were likely to have been limited to small mud-turbidite flows. Integration with acoustic sub-bottom imagery reveals the presence of multiple stacked mass-transport deposits at depth, contrasting with previous interpretations of a single parent failure. Supplementary material: MSCL and XRF core-log data are made available through the PANGAEA database

ISSN: 0305-8719
Serial Title: Special Publication - Geological Society of London
Serial Volume: 477
Serial Issue: 1
Title: Seismic and lithofacies characterization of a gravity core transect down the submarine Tuaheni Landslide complex, NE New Zealand
Title: Subaqueous mass movements
Author(s): Kuhlmann, JannisOrpin, Alan R.Mountjoy, Joshu J.Crutchley, Gareth J.Henrys, StuartLunenburg, RyanHuhn, Katrin
Author(s): Lintern, D. G.editor
Author(s): Mosher, D. C.editor
Author(s): Moscardelli, L. G.editor
Author(s): Bobrowsky, P. T.editor
Author(s): Campbell, C.editor
Author(s): Chaytor, J. D.editor
Author(s): Clague, John J.editor
Author(s): Georgiopoulou, A.editor
Author(s): Lajeunesse, Patrickeditor
Author(s): Normandeau, A.editor
Author(s): Piper, David J. W.editor
Author(s): Scherwath, M.editor
Author(s): Stacey, C.editor
Author(s): Turmel, D.editor
Affiliation: University of Bremen, Marum-Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, Bremen, Germany
Pages: 479-495
Published: 20180731
Text Language: English
Publisher: Geological Society of London, London, United Kingdom
Number of pages: unpaginated
References: 31
Accession Number: 2019-003648
Categories: Quaternary geologyApplied geophysics
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 1 table, sketch map
S38°55'00" - S38°45'00", E178°19'60" - E178°34'60"
Secondary Affiliation: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, NZL, New ZealandGNS Science, NZL, New ZealandUniversity of Auckland, NZL, New Zealand
Country of Publication: United Kingdom
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2020, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from The Geological Society, London, London, United Kingdom
Update Code: 201904
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