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Major soil-related factors in terroir expression and vineyard siting

Cornelis van Leeuwen and Laure de Resseguier
Major soil-related factors in terroir expression and vineyard siting (in Terroir; science related to grape and wine quality, Lawrence D. Meinert (editor))
Elements (June 2018) 14 (3): 159-165


A "terroir" is a cultivated ecosystem in which the vine interacts with the soil and the climate. The soil influences vine phenology and grape ripening through soil temperature, water supply and mineral supply. Limited water supply to the vines is critical for reaching a suitable grape composition in order to produce high quality red wines. Soil nitrogen availability also plays a key role in terroir expression. Ideally, vineyards should be established in areas where soil temperature (relative to air temperature), soil water-holding capacity (relative to rainfall and potential evapotranspiration) and soil nitrogen availability are optimum for the type of wine to be produced. Terroir expression can also be optimized by choosing appropriate plant material and via vineyard floor management techniques.

ISSN: 1811-5209
Serial Title: Elements
Serial Volume: 14
Serial Issue: 3
Title: Major soil-related factors in terroir expression and vineyard siting
Title: Terroir; science related to grape and wine quality
Author(s): van Leeuwen, Cornelisde Resseguier, Laure
Author(s): Meinert, Lawrence D.editor
Affiliation: Institut National de Recherche Agronomique, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, Villenave d'Ornon, France
Affiliation: 128 F Street SE, Washington, DC, United States
Pages: 159-165
Published: 201806
Text Language: English
Publisher: Mineralogical Society of America and Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland and Mineralogical Association of Canada and Geochemical Society and Clay Minerals Society, International
References: 29
Accession Number: 2018-082153
Categories: Environmental geology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 2 tables
N45°12'00" - N45°12'00", W00°44'56" - W00°44'56"
N47°13'13" - N47°13'13", E04°58'04" - E04°58'04"
N44°53'37" - N44°53'37", W00°09'17" - W00°09'17"
Country of Publication: International
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geosciences Institute. Abstract, copyright, Mineralogical Society of America. Reference includes data from GeoScienceWorld, Alexandria, VA, United States
Update Code: 2018
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