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2015 US Geological Survey assessment of undiscovered shale-gas and shale-oil resources of the Mississippian Barnett Shale, Bend Arch-Fort Worth Basin, Texas

Kristen R. Marra
2015 US Geological Survey assessment of undiscovered shale-gas and shale-oil resources of the Mississippian Barnett Shale, Bend Arch-Fort Worth Basin, Texas
AAPG Bulletin (July 2018) 102 (7): 1299-1321


The Mississippian Barnett Shale within the Bend arch-Fort Worth Basin is a major continuous shale-gas resource in the United States. The Barnett Shale was last assessed by the US Geological Survey (USGS) in 2003 and only included vertical drilling. The Barnett Shale was reassessed in 2015 for undiscovered, technically recoverable gas and oil resources to include the impact of over 12 yr of horizontal-drilling development. The 2015 USGS assessment delineated three continuous assessment units (AUs): (1) Barnett Continuous Gas AU, (2) Barnett Mixed Continuous Gas and Oil AU, and (3) Western Barnett Continuous Oil AU. The AU boundaries were defined by hydrogen index (HI) values as a proxy for thermal maturity, in addition to shale thickness. An HI value of 100 mg hydrocarbon (HC)/g total organic carbon (TOC) was used to define the Barnett Continuous Gas AU boundary. The Barnett Mixed Continuous Gas and Oil AU was defined within the northeastern part of the basin where HI values are greater than 100 mg HC/g TOC and the shale thickness exceeds 100 ft (31 m). Resulting undiscovered, technically recoverable resource estimates for these two AUs were 53 tcf of gas, 172 million bbl of oil, and 176 million bbl of natural gas liquids. The western part of the Barnett Shale (HI >100) comprises the Western Barnett Continuous Oil AU, and it was not quantitatively assessed. The recent USGS assessment is nearly double the 2003 mean resource estimate of 26.2 tcf of gas and is the first study to provide quantitative estimates for shale-oil resources in the Barnett Shale.

ISSN: 0149-1423
EISSN: 1558-9153
Coden: AABUD2
Serial Title: AAPG Bulletin
Serial Volume: 102
Serial Issue: 7
Title: 2015 US Geological Survey assessment of undiscovered shale-gas and shale-oil resources of the Mississippian Barnett Shale, Bend Arch-Fort Worth Basin, Texas
Author(s): Marra, Kristen R.
Affiliation: U. S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO, United States
Pages: 1299-1321
Published: 201807
Text Language: English
Publisher: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, United States
References: 37
Accession Number: 2018-077583
Categories: Economic geology, geology of energy sources
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. chart, sketch maps
N30°00'00" - N35°00'00", W100°00'00" - W96°00'00"
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from GeoScienceWorld, Alexandria, VA, United States. Reference includes data supplied by American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, United States
Update Code: 2018
Program Name: USGSOPNon-USGS publications with USGS authors
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