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Permian radiolarian biostratigraphy

Zhang Lei, Feng Qinglai and He Weihong
Permian radiolarian biostratigraphy (in The Permian timescale, S. G. Lucas (editor) and S. Z. Shen (editor))
Special Publication - Geological Society of London (October 2017) 450 (1): 143-163


The Permian Period is one of the most varied times, not only in oceanic environments, but also for the evolution of the radiolarian assemblages. Permian radiolarians have been extensively studied, and great progress has been achieved recently in their biostratigraphy. Seventeen Permian radiolarian zones are summarized here. Among these, seven zones are assigned to the latest Carboniferous-early Permian, namely (in ascending order): the Pseudoalbaillella bulbosa Assemblage Zone, the Pseudoalbaillella u-forma-Pseudoalbaillella elegans Assemblage Zone, the Pseudoalbaillella lomentaria-Pseudoalbaillella sakmarensis Assemblage Zone, the Pseudoalbaillella rhombothoracata Interval Zone, the Albaillella xiaodongensis Assemblage Zone, the Albaillella sinuata Abundance Zone and the Pseudoalbaillella ishigai Abundance Zone. Five zones are attributed to the middle Permian, including the Pseudoalbaillella globosa Interval Zone, the Follicucullus monacanthus Interval Zone, the Follicucullus porrectus Interval Zone, the Follicucullus scholasticus Interval Zone and the Follicucullus charveti Interval Zone. Five zones belong to the middle Permian-late Permian, including the Albaillella cavitata Interval Zone, the Albaillella levis Interval Zone, the Albaillella excelsa Interval Zone, the Albaillella triangularis Interval Zone and the Albaillella yaoi Abundance Zone. These Permian radiolarian biozones and their correlations with conondont zones or other chronostratigraphic schemes are discussed. The phylogenetic model of radiolarians through the Permian Period is also revised.

ISSN: 0305-8719
EISSN: 2041-4927
Serial Title: Special Publication - Geological Society of London
Serial Volume: 450
Serial Issue: 1
Title: Permian radiolarian biostratigraphy
Title: The Permian timescale
Author(s): Zhang LeiFeng QinglaiHe Weihong
Author(s): Lucas, S. G.editor
Author(s): Shen, S. Z.editor
Affiliation: China University of Geosciences, School of Earth Sciences, Wuhan, China
Pages: 143-163
Published: 20171030
Text Language: English
Publisher: Geological Society of London, London, United Kingdom
References: 361
Accession Number: 2017-090211
Categories: Invertebrate paleontologyStratigraphy
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus.
Source Note: Online First
Country of Publication: United Kingdom
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from The Geological Society, London, London, United Kingdom
Update Code: 201747
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