Implementation of a multistation approach for automated event classification at Piton de la Fournaise Volcano
Implementation of a multistation approach for automated event classification at Piton de la Fournaise Volcano
Seismological Research Letters (May 2017) 88 (3): 878-891
- acoustical waves
- algorithms
- Antilles
- body waves
- Caribbean region
- earthquakes
- elastic waves
- eruptions
- Guadeloupe
- Indian Ocean Islands
- Lesser Antilles
- Mascarene Islands
- mass movements
- monitoring
- P-waves
- Piton de la Fournaise
- Reunion
- rockfalls
- S-waves
- seismic networks
- seismic waves
- shield volcanoes
- Soufriere
- teleseismic signals
- volcanic earthquakes
- volcanoes
- waveforms
- West Indies
We implemented the first operational automated seismic-event classification system for monitoring activity at the Piton de la Fournaise volcano observatory (OVPF, La Reunion Island). Our classifier is based on the Random Forest algorithm. It distinguishes between eight classes of seismic signals: summit and deep volcano tectonic events, local, regional, and teleseismic earthquakes, T phases, rockfalls, and sound waves. It adopts a multistation approach and automatically selects the best features for each station and combination of stations from a large set of waveform- and spectrum-based features. It reaches peak performance when it runs on a three-station combination: one station on the summit of Piton de la Fournaise, one in its caldera, and one on the volcano flank. We interfaced our classification system with the observatory management interface WebObs used at OVPF.