Ground-penetrating radar antenna orientation effects on temperate mountain glaciers
Ground-penetrating radar antenna orientation effects on temperate mountain glaciers
Geophysics (May 2017) 82 (3): H15-H24
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) surveys on glaciers are generally restricted to a single pair of bistatic dipole antennas orientated either parallel or perpendicular to the surveying direction. Extensive helicopter-borne and ground-based GPR investigations on the Glacier d'Otemma, Switzerland, demonstrated that the detectability of the ice-bedrock interface varies substantially with dipole orientation. We recorded several across and along profiles using two different commercial GPR systems operated with 15, 25, 50, and 70 MHz antennas. Dipole alignments parallel to the glacier flow generated considerably stronger and more coherent bedrock reflections compared with a perpendicular dipole setup. We observed the behavior for all the systems and antenna frequencies that we used. To help explain these findings, we performed 3D numerical modeling using the open source software gprMax. Simulations with 20 MHz transmitting and receiving dipoles indicated that the changes of the bedrock reflection amplitude are primarily governed by the bedrock topography. Scattering and intrinsic attenuation may also influence the amplitudes of the bedrock reflections, but these effects seem to be much less pronounced. Evidently, to increase the GPR bedrock reflection quality, dipole antennas should be orientated parallel to the glacier flow direction on a glacier confined to a valley. Because the directional dependence is a first-order effect, it is advisable to perform multicomponent surveys when the general shape of the bedrock topography is unknown. The multicomponent setup preferably consists of two sets of dipole antennas, each in broadside configuration and the sets being orthogonal to each other.