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Exploiting the demographics of "Did You Feel It?" responses to estimate the felt area of moderate earthquakes in California

John Boatwright and Eleyne Phillips
Exploiting the demographics of "Did You Feel It?" responses to estimate the felt area of moderate earthquakes in California
Seismological Research Letters (March 2017) 88 (2A): 335-341


We combine "Did You Feel It?" (DYFI) responses with the populations of reporting and nonreporting ZIP codes to improve estimates of the lowest intensities (modified Mercalli intensity; 1< or =MMI< or =3) and the overall felt area for moderate earthquakes. We presume that participation in the DYFI website is sufficiently widespread to interpret shaking in nonreporting ZIP codes as "not felt." For most moderate earthquakes, no nonreporting ZIP codes are located near the earthquake; reporting and nonreporting ZIP codes overlap over intermediate distances; and few reporting ZIP codes are located at regional distances. We combine the intensities from reporting and nonreporting ZIP codes by weighing the average intensity in each reporting ZIP code by the number of reports and by weighing the "not felt" intensity in each nonreporting ZIP code by the population/5000. We reduce the average intensities for underreporting ZIP codes, where the number of reports is less than the population/5000, to account for the nonreporting population. We refer to the combination of intensities from reporting, underreporting, and nonreporting ZIP codes as the revised community decimal intensity (CDI*) to distinguish it from the standard CDI of Wald et al. (1999) This revision significantly improves estimates of the lowest intensities. We contour the revised intensity distributions and interpret the CDI (super *) =1.5 contour as the limit of the felt area. This contour is well determined in densely populated areas and adequately determined in sparsely populated areas.

ISSN: 0895-0695
EISSN: 1938-2057
Serial Title: Seismological Research Letters
Serial Volume: 88
Serial Issue: 2A
Title: Exploiting the demographics of "Did You Feel It?" responses to estimate the felt area of moderate earthquakes in California
Affiliation: U. S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, United States
Pages: 335-341
Published: 201703
Text Language: English
Publisher: Seismological Society of America, El Cerrito, CA, United States
References: 10
Accession Number: 2017-037460
Categories: Seismology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. sketch maps
N36°00'00" - N38°00'00", W123°00'00" - W120°00'00"
N40°00'00" - N42°00'00", W124°00'00" - W120°00'00"
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute. Abstract, Copyright, Seismological Society of America. Reference includes data from GeoScienceWorld, Alexandria, VA, United States
Update Code: 201721
Program Name: USGSOPNon-USGS publications with USGS authors
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