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Benchmarking lava-flow models

B. Cordonnier, E. Lev and F. Garel
Benchmarking lava-flow models (in Detecting, modelling and responding to effusive eruptions, A. J. L. Harris (editor), T. de Groeve (editor), F. Garel (editor) and S. A. Carn (editor))
Special Publication - Geological Society of London (July 2015) 426 (1): 425-445


Prediction of the emplacement of volcanic mass flows (lava flows, pyroclastic density currents, debris avalanches and debris flows) is required for hazard and risk assessment, and for the planning of risk-mitigation measures. Numerical computer-based models now exist that are capable of approximating the motion of a given volume of volcanic material from its source to the deposition area. With these advances in technology, it is useful to compare the various codes in order to evaluate their respective suitability for real-time forecasting, risk preparedness and post-eruptive response. A 'benchmark' compares codes or methods, all aimed at simulating the same physical process using common initial and boundary conditions and outputs, but using different physical formulations, mathematical approaches and numerical techniques. We set up the basis for a future general benchmarking exercise on volcanic mass-flow models and, more specifically, establish a benchmark series for computational lava-flow modelling. We describe a set of benchmarks in this paper, and present a few sample results to demonstrate output analysis and code evaluation methodologies. The associated web-based communal facility for sharing test scenarios and results is also described.

ISSN: 0305-8719
EISSN: 2041-4927
Serial Title: Special Publication - Geological Society of London
Serial Volume: 426
Serial Issue: 1
Title: Benchmarking lava-flow models
Title: Detecting, modelling and responding to effusive eruptions
Author(s): Cordonnier, B.Lev, E.Garel, F.
Author(s): Harris, A. J. L.editor
Author(s): de Groeve, T.editor
Author(s): Garel, F.editor
Author(s): Carn, S. A.editor
Affiliation: Columbia University, Palisades, NY, United States
Pages: 425-445
Published: 20150710
Text Language: English
Publisher: Geological Society of London, London, United Kingdom
Number of pages: 21
References: 135
Accession Number: 2015-093684
Categories: Environmental geologyQuaternary geology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Annotation: Includes appendices
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 6 tables
Secondary Affiliation: Universite de Montpellier, FRA, France
Source Note: Online First
Country of Publication: United Kingdom
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from The Geological Society, London, London, United Kingdom
Update Code: 201540
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