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Self-organized pattern formation in coastal barrier washover deposits

Eli D. Lazarus and Scott Armstrong
Self-organized pattern formation in coastal barrier washover deposits
Geology (Boulder) (April 2015) 43 (4): 363-366


Storm-driven overwash is a sediment-transport process fundamental to the evolution of low-lying coastal environments. Physical insight into overwash morphodynamics is crucial for improved risk assessment and hazard forecasting in vulnerable coastal zones. Spatially extended observations of washover deposits have shown that back-barrier shoreline planforms can be quasi-periodic. These rhythmic patterns have been attributed to the influence of a forcing template in bathymetry or topography, or as inherent in the forcing itself. With an alternative to this prevailing explanation, we present results of a physical experiment and numerical model in which quasi-periodic patterns in washover deposits are self-organized, arising from interactions between barrier topography, routing of overwash flow, and sediment flux.

ISSN: 0091-7613
EISSN: 1943-2682
Serial Title: Geology (Boulder)
Serial Volume: 43
Serial Issue: 4
Title: Self-organized pattern formation in coastal barrier washover deposits
Affiliation: Cardiff University, School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Pages: 363-366
Published: 201504
Text Language: English
Publisher: Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO, United States
References: 23
Accession Number: 2015-054489
Categories: GeomorphologySedimentary petrology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Annotation: GSA Data Repository item 2015130
Illustration Description: illus.
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from GeoScienceWorld, Alexandria, VA, United States. Reference includes data supplied by the Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO, United States
Update Code: 201525
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