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Health risks associated with chronic exposures to arsenic in the environment

Valerie L. Mitchell
Health risks associated with chronic exposures to arsenic in the environment (in Arsenic; environmental geochemistry, mineralogy, and microbiology, Robert J. Bowell (editor), Charles N. Alpers (editor), Heather E. Jamieson (editor), D. Kirk Nordstrom (editor) and Juraj Majzlan (editor))
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry (2014) 79: 435-449

ISSN: 1529-6466
EISSN: 1943-2666
Serial Title: Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry
Serial Volume: 79
Title: Health risks associated with chronic exposures to arsenic in the environment
Title: Arsenic; environmental geochemistry, mineralogy, and microbiology
Author(s): Mitchell, Valerie L.
Author(s): Bowell, Robert J.editor
Author(s): Alpers, Charles N.editor
Author(s): Jamieson, Heather E.editor
Author(s): Nordstrom, D. Kirkeditor
Author(s): Majzlan, Jurajeditor
Affiliation: California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Toxic Substances Control, Sacramento, CA, United States
Affiliation: SRK Consulting, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Pages: 435-449
Published: 2014
Text Language: English
Publisher: Mineralogical Society of America and Geochemical Society, Washington, DC, United States
References: 96
Accession Number: 2014-099755
Categories: Environmental geology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 1 table
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S56°00'00" - S17°45'00", W76°00'00" - W67°00'00"
N22°00'00" - N25°30'00", E119°15'00" - E122°00'00"
Secondary Affiliation: U. S Geological Survey, USA, United StatesQueen's University, CAN, CanadaFriedrich-Schiller-Universitaet, DEU, Germany
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute. Abstract, copyright, Mineralogical Society of America. Reference includes data from GeoScienceWorld, Alexandria, VA, United States
Update Code: 201450
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