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Kaolinite transformation into dickite during burial diagenesis

Javier Cuadros, Raquel Vega, Alejandro Toscano and Xabier Arroyo
Kaolinite transformation into dickite during burial diagenesis
American Mineralogist (April 2014) 99 (4): 681-695


The mechanism of kaolinite transformation into dickite has been investigating using 13 samples from the Froy and Rind oil fields (Broad Fourteens basin, North Sea), 3 kaolinite specimens with different crystal order (KGa-2, Kaolinite API 17, Keokuk kaolinite), and 2 dickite-rich samples (Natural History Museum collection). Detailed analysis of XRD, thermal analysis, and SEM data show that: (1) as dickite content increases, there is also an increase of the crystal order of kaolinite; (2) in dickite-rich specimens kaolinite and dickite have crystals (or XRD-coherent domains) of the same size; (3) there is no specific dehydroxylation temperature for each polytype, rather particle size and crystal order control dehydroxylation temperature independently of polytype; (4) with progressive dickite content, the development of both particle size and the size of the coherent crystal domains within particles is greater in the c direction than in the a-b plane; (5) the growth of defect-free segments in the c direction is not connected with the growth in the a and b directions, as would be expected in crystallization from solution; (6) textural features indicate coalescence of kaolin plates with burial; (7) there is a very weak positive correlation between particle dimensions and relative kaolinite-dickite content. These results are interpreted as resulting from a double reaction taking place in the solid state with burial. Some kaolinite domains grow in size and crystal order while other domains are transformed into dickite. Presumably, also the dickite domains formed early in the transformation grow in crystal order. The transformation into dickite stops at 90-95% dickite because the remaining kaolinite domains are so large and stable that the stability increase produced by the polytype transformation would be negligible.

ISSN: 0003-004X
EISSN: 1945-3027
Serial Title: American Mineralogist
Serial Volume: 99
Serial Issue: 4
Title: Kaolinite transformation into dickite during burial diagenesis
Affiliation: Natural History Museum, Department of Earth Sciences, London, United Kingdom
Pages: 681-695
Published: 201404
Text Language: English
Publisher: Mineralogical Society of America, Washington, DC, United States
References: 49
Accession Number: 2014-030304
Categories: Mineralogy of silicatesSedimentary petrology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 2 tables
N51°00'00" - N61°10'00", W04°00'00" - E11°00'00"
Secondary Affiliation: Complutense University of Madrid, ESP, Spain
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute. Abstract, copyright, Mineralogical Society of America. Reference includes data from GeoScienceWorld, Alexandria, VA, United States
Update Code: 201419
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