Duties of a logging co-ordinator in an operating company
Duties of a logging co-ordinator in an operating company
Geophysics (August 1960) 25 (4): 734-747
A well logging coordinator for an operating oil company is often considered to be only a "log analyst," but quantitative log analysis should constitute only a small part of his duties. Associated with the actual analysis are the compilation and preparation of auxiliary reservoir data, field research and evaluation of new tools and methods designed to solve problems of particular areas and conditions, the coordination of logging programs with drilling programs and the development of interpretation techniques. For the company to achieve the most efficient use of its logging dollar, the coordinator must maintain a constant check on log quality, conduct schools on formation evaluation for field personnel and serve as an advisor on unitization committees. It is helpful to him realizing this program to have a logging research group within the over-all research effort of the operating company to aid him in specific problems and to help him keep abreast of industry-wide research.