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Natural history of a plant trait; branch-system abscission in Paleozoic conifers and its environmental, autecological, and ecosystem implications in a fire-prone world

Cindy V. Looy
Natural history of a plant trait; branch-system abscission in Paleozoic conifers and its environmental, autecological, and ecosystem implications in a fire-prone world
Paleobiology (March 2013) 39 (2): 235-252


Within conifers, active abscission of complete penultimate branch systems is not common and has been described mainly from juveniles. Here I present evidence for the abscission of penultimate branch systems within early so-called walchian conifers--trees with a plagiotropic branching pattern. The specimens studied originate from a middle Early Permian gymnosperm-dominated flora within the middle Clear Fork Group of north-central Texas. Complete branch systems of three walchian conifer morphotypes are preserved; all have pronounced swellings and smooth separation faces at their bases. The source plants grew in a streamside habitat under seasonally dry climatic conditions. The evolution of active branch abscission appears to correspond to an increase in the size of conifers, and this combination potentially contributed to the restructuring of conifer-rich late Paleozoic landscapes. Moreover, trees shedding branch systems and producing abundant litter have the potential to affect the fire regime, which is a factor of evolutionary importance because wildfires must have been a source of frequent biotic disturbance throughout the hyperoxic Early Permian.

ISSN: 0094-8373
EISSN: 1938-5331
Serial Title: Paleobiology
Serial Volume: 39
Serial Issue: 2
Title: Natural history of a plant trait; branch-system abscission in Paleozoic conifers and its environmental, autecological, and ecosystem implications in a fire-prone world
Author(s): Looy, Cindy V.
Affiliation: University of California at Berkeley, Department of Integrative Biology, Berkeley, CA, United States
Pages: 235-252
Published: 201303
Text Language: English
Publisher: Paleontological Society, Lawrence, KS, United States
References: 85
Accession Number: 2013-035348
Categories: Paleobotany
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Annotation: Supplemental information/data is available in the online version of this article
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 2 tables, 1 plate
N33°22'00" - N33°49'60", W99°55'00" - W99°30'00"
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute. Abstract, Copyright, The Paleontological Society. Reference includes data from GeoScienceWorld, Alexandria, VA, United States
Update Code: 201322
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