Alcaparrosaite, K (sub 3) Ti (super 4+) Fe (super 3+) (SO (sub 4) ) (sub 4) O(H (sub 2) O) (sub 2) , a new hydrophobic Ti (super 4+) sulfate from Alcaparrosa, Chile
Alcaparrosaite, K (sub 3) Ti (super 4+) Fe (super 3+) (SO (sub 4) ) (sub 4) O(H (sub 2) O) (sub 2) , a new hydrophobic Ti (super 4+) sulfate from Alcaparrosa, Chile (in Special issue in honour of Mark D. Welch, principal editor of Mineralogical Magazine from 2007 to 2011, Diego G. Gatta (editor))
Mineralogical Magazine (August 2012) 76 (4): 851-861
- Antofagasta Chile
- chemical composition
- Chile
- coquimbite
- crystal chemistry
- crystal structure
- electron probe data
- formula
- hydrophobic materials
- lattice parameters
- metals
- new minerals
- pyrite
- South America
- space groups
- sulfates
- sulfides
- titanium
- unit cell
- voltaite
- water of crystallization
- X-ray diffraction data
- ferrinatrite
- krausite
- tamarugite
- Cerritos Bayos
- El Loa Chile
- pertlikite
- alcaparrosaite
- Alcaparrosa Mine
Alcaparrosaite, ideally K (sub 3) Ti (super 4+) Fe (super 3+) (SO (sub 4) ) (sub 4) O(H (sub 2) O) (sub 2) , is a new mineral from the Alcaparrosa mine, Cerritos Bayos, El Loa Province, Antofagasta, Chile (IMA2011-024). The mineral occurs on and intergrown with coquimbite, and is also associated with ferrinatrite, krausite, pertlikite, pyrite, tamarugite and voltaite. It is a relatively early phase which forms during the oxidation of pyritic masses under increasingly arid conditions. Alcaparrosaite crystallizes from hyperacidic solutions in a chemical environment that is consistent with its association with coquimbite. It occurs as pale yellow blades and tapering prisms up to 4 mm in length, flattened on {010} and elongated along [100]. The observed crystal forms are {010}, {110}, {1.13.0} and {021}. The mineral is transparent and has a white streak, vitreous lustre, Mohs hardness of about 4, brittle tenacity, conchoidal fracture and no cleavage. The measured and calculated densities are 2.80(3) and 2.807 g cm (super -3) , respectively. It is optically biaxial (+) with alpha = 1.643(1), beta = 1.655(1), gamma = 1.680(1) (white light), 2V (sub meas) = 70(2) degrees and 2V (sub calc) = 70.3 degrees . The mineral exhibits strong parallel dispersion, r < v. The optical orientation is X = b; Y^c = 27 degrees in the obtuse angle beta . No pleochroism was observed. Electron-microprobe analyses (average of 4) provided: Na (sub 2) O 0.32, K (sub 2) O 20.44, Fe (sub 2) O (sub 3) 11.58, TiO (sub 2) 11.77, P (sub 2) O (sub 5) 0.55, SO (sub 3) 47.52, H (sub 2) O 5.79 (calc); total 97.97 wt.%. The empirical formula (based on 19 O) is (K (sub 2.89) Na (sub 0.07) ) (sub Sigma 2.96) TiO(SO (sub 4) ) (super 2-) (sub 2) (S (sub 0.99) P (sub 0.01) O (sub 4) ) (sub 4) O (sub 0.72) (OH) (sub 0.28) (H (sub 2) O) (sub 2) . The mineral is hydrophobic, insoluble in cold and hot water, very slowly soluble in acids and decomposes slowly in bases. Alcaparrosaite is monoclinic, C2/c, with the cell parameters a = 7.55943(14), b = 16.7923(3), c = 12.1783(9) Aa, beta = 94.076(7) degrees , V = 1542.01(12) Aa (super 3) and Z = 4. The eight strongest lines in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d (sub obs) in Aa (I (sub rel) ) (hkl)] are 6.907 (41)(021,110); 3.628 (34) (023,1i13); 3.320 (32) (21i02); 3.096 (100) (202,1i33,150); 3.000 (40) (1i51);> 2.704 (38) (2i23,152); 1.9283 (30) (1i55); 1.8406 (31) (3i53,206). In the structure of alcaparrosaite (R (sub 1) = 2.57% for 1725 F (sub o) > 4Sigma F), Ti (super 4+) and Fe (super 3+) , in roughly equal amounts, occupy the same octahedrally coordinated site. Octahedra are linked into dimers by corner sharing. The SO (sub 4) tetrahedra link the dimers into chains parallel to [001] and link the chains into undulating sheets parallel to {010}. The sheets link via 10- and 11-coordinated K atoms in the interlayer region. The structure shares some features with that of goldichite.