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Geological storage of carbon dioxide; an emerging opportunity

William J. Senior, J. D. Kantorowicz and I. W. Wright
Geological storage of carbon dioxide; an emerging opportunity (in Petroleum geology; from mature basins to new frontiers; proceedings of the 7th petroleum geology conference, B. A. Vining (editor) and S. C. Pickering (editor))
Petroleum Geology Conference Series (2010) 7: 1165-1169


Concerns about climate change and the need to stabilize atmospheric CO (sub 2) concentrations are driving the development of a lower carbon future. Within this context, carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) is gaining momentum as a large-scale option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This paper reviews the rationale and potential scale of CCS, the status of geological storage options and lessons from the operating In Salah project CCS is expected to have applications in the oil and gas industry, and other industries, particularly the coal and power sectors. CO (sub 2) -enhanced oil recovery, depleted oil and gas fields and saline formations are considered the most important geological storage options. Experience with geological storage is being gained at the In Salao project in Algeria. Operating since 2004, it is the world's first industrial-scale project storing CO (sub 2) in the water leg of a gas reservoir. A key challenge for wider deployment is for geological storage to be accepted as a safe and effective option, providing long-term CO (sub 2) containment, with high integrity. This has several associated technical and regulatory challenges, including site characterization and selection, geological and well integrity rise assessment, performance prediction, the design of appropriate monitoring schemes and handling the closure and post-closure phases. The petroleum industry has the capabilities and know-how to deploy CCS and to manage the associated rises. This lends confidence that CCS will be a viable option and that deployment with help enable a low-carbon future.

ISSN: 2047-9921
Serial Title: Petroleum Geology Conference Series
Serial Volume: 7
Title: Geological storage of carbon dioxide; an emerging opportunity
Title: Petroleum geology; from mature basins to new frontiers; proceedings of the 7th petroleum geology conference
Author(s): Senior, William J.Kantorowicz, J. D.Wright, I. W.
Author(s): Vining, B. A.editor
Author(s): Pickering, S. C.editor
Affiliation: Senior CCS Solutions, Bucks, United Kingdom
Affiliation: Baker Hughes, London, United Kingdom
Pages: 1165-1169
Published: 2010
Text Language: English
Publisher: The=Geological Society of London, London, United Kingdom
ISBN: 978-1-86239-298-4
Meeting name: 7th petroleum geology conference; petroleum geology; from mature basins to new frontiers
Meeting location: London, GBR, United Kingdom
Meeting date: 20090330March 30-April 2, 2009
References: 12
Accession Number: 2012-023199
Categories: Economic geology, geology of energy sourcesEnvironmental geology
Document Type: Serial Conference document
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. sects.
N19°00'00" - N37°00'00", W09°00'00" - E12°00'00"
Secondary Affiliation: Schlumberger, GBR, United KingdomBP Alternative Energy, GBR, United Kingdom
Country of Publication: United Kingdom
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2019, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 201213
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