Sedimentary successions of the Arctic region (58-64 degrees to 90 degrees N) that may be prospective for hydrocarbons
Sedimentary successions of the Arctic region (58-64 degrees to 90 degrees N) that may be prospective for hydrocarbons (in Arctic petroleum geology, Anthony M. Spencer (editor), Ashton F. Embry (editor), Donald L. Gautier (editor), Antonina V. Stoupakova (editor) and Kai Sorensen (editor))
Memoirs of the Geological Society of London (2011) 35: 17-37
A total of 143 sedimentary successions that contain, or may be prospective for, hydrocarbons were identified in the Arctic Region north of 58-64 degrees N and mapped in four quadrants at a scale of 1:11 000000. Eighteen of these successions (12.6%) occur in the Arctic Ocean Basin, 25 (17.5%) in the passive and sheared continental margins of the Arctic Basin and 100 (70.0%) on the Circum-Arctic continents of which one (<10%) lies in the active margin of the Pacific Rim. Each succession was assigned to one of 13 tectonostratigraphic and morphologic classes and coloured accordingly on the map. The thickness of each succession and that of any underlying sedimentary section down to economic basement, where known, are shown on the map by isopachs Major structural or tectonic features associated with the creation of the successions, or with the enhancement or degradation of their hydrocarbon potential, are also shown. Forty-four (30.8%) of the successions are known to contain hydrocarbon accumulations, 64 (44.8%) are sufficiently thick to have generated hydrocarbons and 35 (24.5%) may be too thin to be prospective.