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The new foraminiferal genus Ammogloborotaloides n. gen. and subfamily Ammogloborotaloidinae n. subfam. from the Neogene of Venezuela; an example of isomorphism between agglutinated and planktonic Foraminifera
Michael A. Kaminski and Jime Contreras
The new foraminiferal genus Ammogloborotaloides n. gen. and subfamily Ammogloborotaloidinae n. subfam. from the Neogene of Venezuela; an example of isomorphism between agglutinated and planktonic Foraminifera
Journal of Micropalaeontology (May 2011) 30 (1): 11-16
The new foraminiferal genus Ammogloborotaloides n. gen. and subfamily Ammogloborotaloidinae n. subfam. from the Neogene of Venezuela; an example of isomorphism between agglutinated and planktonic Foraminifera
Journal of Micropalaeontology (May 2011) 30 (1): 11-16
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We report the occurrence of two new species of the new agglutinated foraminiferal genus Ammogloborotaloides in the Miocene of western Venezuela. These two taxa have been assigned informal names and have been known to the petroleum industry in Venezuela for many years, but have never been described. A. truncatulinoidiformis n. sp. is the type species and the second species, A. sp. 16, is left in open nomenclature. The two species of Ammogloborotaloides are strongly isomorphic with the planktonic foraminiferal species Globorotalia truncatulinoides and Globorotalia crassaformis, and illustrate the possible evolutionary connections between agglutinated benthics and the planktonic foraminifera.
ISSN: 0262-821X
EISSN: 2041-4978
Serial Title: Journal of Micropalaeontology
Serial Volume: 30
Serial Issue: 1
Title: The new foraminiferal genus Ammogloborotaloides n. gen. and subfamily Ammogloborotaloidinae n. subfam. from the Neogene of Venezuela; an example of isomorphism between agglutinated and planktonic Foraminifera
Affiliation: King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Earth Sciences Department,
Saudi Arabia
Pages: 11-16
Published: 201105
Text Language: English
Publisher: British Micropalaeontological Society,
United Kingdom
References: 8
Accession Number: 2011-053967
Categories: Invertebrate paleontology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: 2 plates, sketch map
N09°04'60" - N10°49'60", W72°10'00" - W71°04'60"
Secondary Affiliation: Petroleos de Venezuela,
Country of Publication: United Kingdom
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from The Geological Society, London, London, United Kingdom
Update Code: 201130