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Eroding Australia; rates and processes from Bega Valley to Arnhem Land

Arjun M. Heimsath, John Chappell and Keith Fifield
Eroding Australia; rates and processes from Bega Valley to Arnhem Land (in Australian landscapes, Paul Bishop (prefacer) and Brad Pillans (prefacer))
Geological Society Special Publications (2010) 346: 225-241


We report erosion rates determined from in situ produced cosmogenic (super 10) Be across a spectrum of Australian climatic zones, from the soil-mantled SE Australian escarpment through semi-arid bedrock ranges of southern and central Australia, to soil-mantled ridges at a monsoonal tropical site near the Arnhem escarpment. Climate has a major effect on the balance between erosion and transport and also on erosion rate: the highest rates, averaging 35 m Ma (super -1) , were from soil-mantled, transport-limited spurs in the humid temperate region around the base of the SE escarpment; the lowest, averaging about 1.5 m Ma (super -1) , were from the steep, weathering-limited, rocky slopes of Kings Canyon and Mt Sonder in semi-arid central Australia. Between these extremes, other factors come into play including rock-type, slope, and recruitment of vegetation. We measured intermediate average erosion rates from rocky slopes in the semi-arid Flinders and MacDonnell ranges, and from soil-mantled sites at both semi-arid Tyler Pass in central Australia and the tropical monsoonal site. At soil-mantled sites in both the SE and tropical north, soil production generally declines exponentially with increasing soil thickness, although at the tropical site this relationship does not persist under thin soil thicknesses and the relationship here is "humped". Results from Tyler Pass show uniform soil thicknesses and soil production rates of about 6.5 m Ma (super -1) , supporting a longstanding hypothesis that equilibrium, soil-mantled hillslopes erode in concert with stream incision and form convex-up spurs of constant curvature. Moreover, weathering-limited slopes and spurs also occur in the same region: the average erosion rate for rocky sandstone spurs at Glen Helen is 7 m Ma (super -1) , similar to the Tyler Pass soil-mantled slopes, whereas the average rate for high, quartzite spurs at Mount Sonder is 1.8 m Ma (super -1) . The extremely low rates measured across bedrock-dominated landscapes suggest that the ridge-valley topography observed today is likely to have been shaped as long ago as the Late Miocene. These rates and processes quantified across different, undisturbed landscapes provide critical data for landscape evolution models.

ISSN: 0305-8719
EISSN: 2041-4927
Serial Title: Geological Society Special Publications
Serial Volume: 346
Title: Eroding Australia; rates and processes from Bega Valley to Arnhem Land
Title: Australian landscapes
Author(s): Heimsath, Arjun M.Chappell, JohnFifield, Keith
Author(s): Bishop, Paulprefacer
Author(s): Pillans, Bradprefacer
Affiliation: Arizona State University, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Tempe, AZ, United States
Affiliation: University of Glasgow, School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Pages: 225-241
Published: 2010
Text Language: English
Publisher: Geological Society of London, London, United Kingdom
References: 51
Accession Number: 2011-024236
Categories: Geomorphology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch map
S32°30'00" - S29°30'00", E138°00'00" - E139°30'00"
S37°30'00" - S28°15'00", E141°00'00" - E153°30'00"
S15°00'00" - S11°00'00", E132°30'00" - E137°00'00"
Secondary Affiliation: Australian National University, AUS, AustraliaAustralian National University, AUS, Australia
Country of Publication: United Kingdom
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from The Geological Society, London, London, United Kingdom
Update Code: 201114
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