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A truly European forest; a historic Lower Silesian palaeobotanical collection (Late Cretaceous) at the Museum of Natural History (Berlin)
Barbara A. R. Mohr
A truly European forest; a historic Lower Silesian palaeobotanical collection (Late Cretaceous) at the Museum of Natural History (Berlin)
Earth Sciences History (2009) 28 (2): 276-292
A truly European forest; a historic Lower Silesian palaeobotanical collection (Late Cretaceous) at the Museum of Natural History (Berlin)
Earth Sciences History (2009) 28 (2): 276-292
Index Terms/Descriptors
- Angiospermae
- Berlin Germany
- Brandenburg Germany
- Central Europe
- collections
- Coniacian
- Cretaceous
- Czech Republic
- Europe
- floral studies
- forests
- Germany
- history
- Lower Silesia
- Mesozoic
- museums
- paleobotany
- Plantae
- Poland
- Santonian
- Senonian
- Spermatophyta
- Turonian
- Upper Cretaceous
- Museum of Natural History
- Klodzko Poland
Latitude & Longitude
A historical collection of late Cretaceous plant fossils from Lower Silesia, comprising about 520 specimens, now located at the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, and formerly in possession of the Prussian Geological Survey, has recently been traced back to its origins. Today this collection can be used as a nucleus to develop future scientific research projects. Due to the historical background of the specimens and the scattered locations of additional material from various geologic sites, such projects may have to be realised as a cooperative effort between scientists from several institutions of the Central European countries that were historically involved, namely the Czech Republic, Germany, and Poland.
ISSN: 0736-623X
EISSN: 1944-6187
Serial Title: Earth Sciences History
Serial Volume: 28
Serial Issue: 2
Title: A truly European forest; a historic Lower Silesian palaeobotanical collection (Late Cretaceous) at the Museum of Natural History (Berlin)
Author(s): Mohr, Barbara A. R.
Affiliation: Museum of Natural History,
Federal Republic of Germany
Pages: 276-292
Published: 2009
Text Language: English
Publisher: History of the Earth Sciences Society,
Troy, NY,
United States
References: 57
Accession Number: 2010-019007
Categories: Paleobotany
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 1 table, geol. sketch maps
N51°01'20" - N51°22'60", E14°52'00" - E17°19'00"
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2022, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 201012