Velocity model-building by 3D frequency-domain, full-waveform inversion of wide-aperture seismic data
Velocity model-building by 3D frequency-domain, full-waveform inversion of wide-aperture seismic data (in Velocity estimation for depth imaging, William S. Harlan (editor), Robert T. Langan (editor) and Tamas Nemeth (editor))
Geophysics (September 2008) 73 (5, Suppl.): VE101-VE117
We assessed 3D frequency-domain (FD) acoustic full-waveform inversion (FWI) data as a tool to develop high-resolution velocity models from low-frequency global-offset data. The inverse problem was posed as a classic least-squares optimization problem solved with a steepest-descent method. Inversion was applied to a few discrete frequencies, allowing management of a limited subset of the 3D data volume. The forward problem was solved with a finite-difference frequency-domain method based on a massively parallel direct solver, allowing efficient multiple-shot simulations. The inversion code was fully parallelized for distributed-memory platforms, taking advantage of a domain decomposition of the modeled wavefields performed by the direct solver. After validation on simple synthetic tests, FWI was applied to two targets (channel and thrust system) of the 3D SEG/EAGE overthrust model, corresponding to 3D domains of 7X8.75X2.25 km and 13.5X13.5X4.65 km, respectively. The maximum inverted frequencies are 15 and 7 Hz for the two applications. A maximum of 30 dual-core biprocessor nodes with 8 GB of shared memory per node were used for the second target. The main structures were imaged successfully at a resolution scale consistent with the inverted frequencies. Our study confirms the feasibility of 3D frequency-domain FWI of global-offset data on large distributed-memory platforms to develop high-resolution velocity models. These high-velocity models may provide accurate macromodels for wave-equation prestack depth migration.