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Soft-bottom macrofaunal communities in Santa Monica Bay; phylogenetic approaches toward the elucidation of fine-scale biotic pattern and its physicochemical explanans

Gregory B. Deets and Curtis L. Cash
Soft-bottom macrofaunal communities in Santa Monica Bay; phylogenetic approaches toward the elucidation of fine-scale biotic pattern and its physicochemical explanans (in Earth science in the urban ocean; the Southern California continental borderland, Homa J. Lee (editor) and William R. Normark (editor))
Special Paper - Geological Society of America (2009) 454: 457-481


A unique opportunity to compare the structure of soft-bottom macrofaunal communities to environmental sediment characteristics arose during a multi-agency sampling survey in Santa Monica Bay. Macrofaunal species, sediment chemistry, highly partitioned sediment granulometry, and depth inventoried at 24 sites, were extensively analyzed to determine community relationships, natural species distributions, and response to anthropogenically derived sediment variables. By employing parsimony analysis, specifically a derived variant of parsimony analysis of endemicity utilizing step-matrices to accommodate species abundance, and multivariate methodologies launched from the branch-length distance matrix derived from the clado-gram, community structure was assessed based on the hierarchical or nested spatial relationships of the species and sample areas. Since spatial autocorrelation is implied by the cladistic and hierarchical relationships of the sample localities, and because hierarchically related objects do not comprise independent nor identically distributed data points, the novel application of independent contrasts (correcting for the nonindependence of the data distributed on the cladogram) was used in combination with traditional statistical methods (that assume observation independence). Both approaches revealed moderate to strong correlations of several abiotic factors with community structure, and between the various phylodiversity and response indices to numerical effects-based sediment quality guidelines. Specifically, community relationships were correlated with depth, polychlorinated biphenyl, several clay-mineral species, and certain sediment phi size bins. Phylodiversity indices correlated more highly with sediment quality guidelines than did the benthic response index.

ISSN: 0072-1077
EISSN: 2331-219X
Serial Title: Special Paper - Geological Society of America
Serial Volume: 454
Title: Soft-bottom macrofaunal communities in Santa Monica Bay; phylogenetic approaches toward the elucidation of fine-scale biotic pattern and its physicochemical explanans
Title: Earth science in the urban ocean; the Southern California continental borderland
Author(s): Deets, Gregory B.Cash, Curtis L.
Author(s): Lee, Homa J.editor
Author(s): Normark, William R.editor
Affiliation: City of Los Angeles, Envornmental Monitoring Division, Playa del Rey, CA, United States
Affiliation: U. S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, United States
Pages: 457-481
Published: 2009
Text Language: English
Publisher: Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO, United States
References: 87
Accession Number: 2009-074443
Categories: Environmental geology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. charts, 7 tables, sketch map
N33°30'00" - N34°00'00", W118°49'60" - W118°19'60"
Secondary Affiliation: Bedford Institute of Oceanography, CAN, Canada
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 200940
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