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New data on the Dromaeosauridae (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Late Cretaceous of southern France

Phornphen Chanthasit and Eric Buffetaut
New data on the Dromaeosauridae (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Late Cretaceous of southern France
Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France (March 2009) 180 (2): 145-154


Since the first discovery of dromaeosaurid remains from the Late Cretaceous of southern France, two genera and species, Variraptor mechinorum Le Loeuff & Buffetaut, 1998, and Pyroraptor olympius Allain & Taquet, 2000, have been erected. Their validity and possible synonymy have been debated. New remains of Dromaeosauridae from Late Campanian - Early Maastrichtian localities near Cruzy (Herault) and Fox-Amphoux (Var) are described. A sacrum from Herault is remarkably comparable to that of Variraptor. An ilium from Fox-Amphoux and the holotype sacrum of Variraptor mechinorum probably belong to the same individual. Shared elements between Variraptor and Pyroraptor do not show any diagnostic characters. The question of the synonymy between Variraptor and Pyroraptor is still unresolved on the basis of these new specimens. Nevertheless, the available evidence suggests that these two species may be valid. The specimens from Cruzy suggest that faunal interchange between Europe and Asia lasted longer than that between Europe and North America, and that European dromaeosaurids evolved on their own during the Late Cretaceous isolation of Europe.

ISSN: 0037-9409
EISSN: 1777-5817
Serial Title: Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France
Serial Volume: 180
Serial Issue: 2
Title: New data on the Dromaeosauridae (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Late Cretaceous of southern France
Affiliation: Universite Claude Bernard, Paleoenvironnement et Paleobiosphere, Villeurbanne, France
Pages: 145-154
Published: 200903
Text Language: English
Summary Language: French
Publisher: Societe Geologique de France, Paris, France
References: 24
Accession Number: 2009-062846
Categories: Vertebrate paleontology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 1 table, sketch map
N43°00'00" - N43°45'00", E05°30'00" - E07°00'00"
N43°15'00" - N44°00'00", E02°30'00" - E04°15'00"
Secondary Affiliation: Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris, FRA, France
Country of Publication: France
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute. Abstract, Copyright, Societe Geologique de France. Reference includes data from GeoScienceWorld, Alexandria, VA, United States
Update Code: 200934
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