Compositional zoning of rapakivi feldspars and coexisting quartz phenocrysts
Compositional zoning of rapakivi feldspars and coexisting quartz phenocrysts (in A tribute to Joseph V. Smith (1928-2007), Ross J. Angel (editor), Ian Parsons (editor) and Robert F. Martin (editor))
The Canadian Mineralogist (December 2008) 46 (6): 1417-1442
- alkali feldspar
- Altenberg Germany
- Central Europe
- Cornwall England
- crystal zoning
- electron probe data
- England
- Erzgebirge
- Europe
- feldspar group
- Finland
- framework silicates
- geologic thermometry
- Germany
- granites
- Great Britain
- ICP mass spectra
- igneous rocks
- K-feldspar
- Land's End
- magmas
- mass spectra
- metals
- microgranite
- mixing
- Paleozoic
- phenocrysts
- plagioclase
- plutonic rocks
- porphyry
- Precambrian
- Proterozoic
- quartz
- rapakivi
- Saxony Germany
- Scandinavia
- silica minerals
- silicates
- spectra
- textures
- thermal ionization mass spectra
- titanium
- trace elements
- United Kingdom
- upper Paleozoic
- upper Precambrian
- volcanic rocks
- Western Europe
- Hammarudda Complex
- Altenberg-Frauenstein Microgranite
The compositional zoning of plagioclase-mantled K-feldspar, defining the rapakivi texture, and of the associated quartz phenocrysts from the Paleozoic Land's End (U.K.) and Altenberg-Frauenstein (Germany) granites, and the Proterozoic Hammarudda (Finland) granite porphyry, has been investigated by laser-ablation--inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry, electron-probe micro-analyses, cathodoluminescence and thermal ionization mass spectrometry in order to investigate the formation of the rapakivi texture in two different eons. Recent analytical developments and the Ti-in-quartz geothermometer lead to interpretations of the trace-element zoning in quartz phenocrysts coexisting with rapakivi feldspars. There is an approximate coincidence with Ba-rich growth zones in plagioclase-mantled K-feldspar and Ti-rich zones in coexisting quartz phenocrysts. Both types of zoning indicate increasing temperatures of crystallization. The formation of the plagioclase mantles seems to be related to quartz-resorption events. The inferred temperature of crystallization increased after marginal resorption of quartz phenocrysts by about 82 degrees C in the Altenberg-Frauenstein magma and 44 degrees C in the Hammarudda magma, on the basis of the Ti-in-quartz geothermometer. The temperature increase is correlated positively with the crystallization of plagioclase mantles on the K-feldspar. The quartz phenocryst in the Land's End granite shows normal core-to-rim zoning of Ti (decreasing concentrations), indicating a gradual decrease in magma temperature. We contend that the increase in the quartz-crystallization temperature of >25 degrees C after a resorption event is indicative for the interaction with mafic magma. Therefore, the interaction of a crystal-saturated granitic magma and a mafic magma is the driving force causing nucleation and crystallization of plagioclase on K-feldspar phenocrysts, even though the Pb isotope, Ba, Sr, and Rb zoning of the mantled K-feldspar phenocryst have not clearly recorded an interaction between granitic and mafic magmas. The frequency of rapakivi feldspars in the rock correlates with the portion of mafic magma involved in the mingling and mixing process. Isothermal decompression during adiabatic magma ascent may have contributed to the plagioclase mantle formation in the case of the Altenberg-Frauenstein and Hammarudda granites. The rare rapakivi feldspars in the Land's End granite developed during an early stage of magmatic evolution; as a result, tracing the conditions of formation of the rapakivi texture is speculative in that case.