A simple predictive model for the thermal expansion of AlSi (sub 3) feldspars
A simple predictive model for the thermal expansion of AlSi (sub 3) feldspars
American Mineralogist (October 2008) 93 (10): 1568-1573
We have investigated the thermal expansion of several synthetic feldspars, including Li-feldspar, rubicline (Rb-microcline), Rb-sanidine, and buddingtonite (NH (sub 4) -feldspar). When analyzed in conjunction with earlier data on both ordered and disordered Na- and K-feldspars, it is clear that the coefficient of thermal expansion (alpha ) decreases dramatically, and linearly, with increasing room-temperature volume. For "AlSi (sub 3) " feldspars, then, chemical expansion limits thermal expansion. The relationship between alpha and room-temperature volume provides a useful predictive tool based simply on the volume of a feldspar at room temperature. This relationship also reveals that volumes of K-Na mixing in naturally occurring alkali feldspars decrease with increasing temperature.