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Along strike variations in metamorphism and deformation of the strata of the Kahiltna Basin, south-central Alaska

Cameron Davidson and Devin McPhillips
Along strike variations in metamorphism and deformation of the strata of the Kahiltna Basin, south-central Alaska (in Tectonic growth of a collisional continental margin; crustal evolution of Southern Alaska, Kenneth D. Ridgway (editor), Jeffrey M. Trop (editor), Jonathan M. G. Glen (editor) and J. Michael O'Neill (editor))
Special Paper - Geological Society of America (2007) 431: 439-454


Late Cretaceous to early Paleocene deformation and metamorphism of strata of the Kahiltna basin varies in depth and style from east to west during the collision of the Wrangellia composite terrane. In the east, the Maclaren Glacier metamorphic belt experienced kyanite-grade regional metamorphic conditions of approximately 650 degrees C at >670 MPa during top-to-the-south thrusting. About 100 km along strike to the west, the Devil Creek area experienced contact metamorphic conditions at approximately 300 MPa forming andalusite, with sillimanite+ or -migmatite near pluton margins. Three plutons from the Devil Creek area yield U-Pb zircon ICP-MS dates of 68.3+ or -2.6 Ma, 66.1+ or -2.6 Ma, and 62.6+ or -2.1 Ma, which we interpret to be the crystallization ages of the plutons. In the Maclaren Glacier metamorphic belt and 74 Ma, 1-kilometer-thick tonalite sill intruded during top-to-the-south thrusting. In the Devil Creek area, pluton emplacement occurred during NW-SE shortening and NE-SW near horizontal stretching. The age dates suggest that deformation and metamorphism in these two areas was diachronous, and the difference in depth of metamorphism of at least approximately 14 km between the Maclaren Glacier metamorphic belt and Devil Creek shows that exhumation of the strata of the Kahiltna basin was greater in the eastern part of the Alaska Range suture zone.

ISSN: 0072-1077
EISSN: 2331-219X
Serial Title: Special Paper - Geological Society of America
Serial Volume: 431
Title: Along strike variations in metamorphism and deformation of the strata of the Kahiltna Basin, south-central Alaska
Title: Tectonic growth of a collisional continental margin; crustal evolution of Southern Alaska
Author(s): Davidson, CameronMcPhillips, Devin
Author(s): Ridgway, Kenneth D.editor
Author(s): Trop, Jeffrey M.editor
Author(s): Glen, Jonathan M. G.editor
Author(s): O'Neill, J. Michaeleditor
Affiliation: Carleton College, Department of Geology, Northfield, MN, United States
Affiliation: Purdue University, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, West Lafayette, IN, United States
Pages: 439-454
Published: 2007
Text Language: English
Publisher: Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO, United States
ISBN: 978-0-8137-2431-7
References: 31
Accession Number: 2008-064006
Categories: Igneous and metamorphic petrologyStructural geology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. sect., 2 tables, geol. sketch maps
N62°30'00" - N64°04'60", W150°04'60" - W145°30'00"
N62°55'00" - N62°55'00", W148°55'00" - W148°55'00"
Secondary Affiliation: Bucknell University, USA, United StatesU. S. Geological Survey, USA, United States
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 200815
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