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Necdetina, a new fusulinoidean Foraminifera with a recrystallized or replaced wall from the Middle Permian of the central Tauride Belt, Turkey

Demir Altiner, John R. Groves, Sevinc Ozkan-Altiner, I. Omer Yilmaz and Ayse Atakul
Necdetina, a new fusulinoidean Foraminifera with a recrystallized or replaced wall from the Middle Permian of the central Tauride Belt, Turkey
Journal of Foraminiferal Research (October 2007) 37 (4): 360-371


Necdetina (type species N. taurica n. sp.) is described here as a new fusulinoidean genus with a replaced or recrystallized wall from the Middle Permian (Capitanian) of Turkey. In addition to its distinctive wall structure, which was probably originally keriothecal and composed of aragonite or high-Mg calcite, the genus is characterized by an ovate shell with rounded to acute poles and axially elongated, biserially enrolled chambers. Chomata are absent, but inconsistently developed parachomata-like structures are present in the test where biserially enrolled chambers overlap. Circular foramina alternate in two rows at the bases of the apertural face and septa. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that Necdetina belongs in the clade of staffellid fusulinoideans, a group whose walls are invariably altered. Among the staffellids, Necdetina is allied with other genera in which the coiling axis is elongated to produce a spherical, oval or fusiform test. In this subclade, Necdetina is further united with Thailandina and Neothailandina in possessing parachomata and having well-organized foramina along the antetheca and septa. Necdetina is the only known staffellid, indeed the only known fusulinoidean, with biserial chambers.

ISSN: 0096-1191
EISSN: 1943-264X
Serial Title: Journal of Foraminiferal Research
Serial Volume: 37
Serial Issue: 4
Title: Necdetina, a new fusulinoidean Foraminifera with a recrystallized or replaced wall from the Middle Permian of the central Tauride Belt, Turkey
Affiliation: Middle East Technical University, Department of Geological Engineering, Ankara, Turkey
Pages: 360-371
Published: 200710
Text Language: English
Publisher: Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Ithaca, NY, United States
References: 35
Accession Number: 2007-128499
Categories: Invertebrate paleontology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. strat. col., 3 plates, 2 tables, geol. sketch map
N37°53'60" - N37°53'60", E32°23'60" - E32°23'60"
Secondary Affiliation: University of Northern Iowa, USA, United States
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute. Abstract, Copyright, Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. Reference includes data from GeoScienceWorld, Alexandria, VA, United States
Update Code: 200751
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