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The formation of the solar system

Sara S. Russell
The formation of the solar system
Journal of the Geological Society of London (May 2007) 164 (3): 481-492


The study of the origin and evolution of the Solar System is based on laboratory analysis of meteorites and other extraterrestrial materials, and on astronomical observations of star-forming regions today. A virtual consensus holds that the Solar System formed from the collapse of interstellar cloud material under its own gravity about 4.56 Ga ago. This process led initially to a dusty disc forming around the newly formed Sun. The material in the disc accreted into small planetary bodies, called planetesimals, which in turn made up the building blocks of planets. Some planetesimals survived as asteroids. Fragments of these bodies make up the majority of meteorites that fall to Earth. The most common type of meteorite are chondrites. These formed from accretion of material from the dusty disc. Most chondrites were heated, probably by radioactive decay, and became metamorphosed. Other meteorite types include those made from basalts and iron metal alloys; these testify to extensive heating to produce melting on some planetesimals. Impacts of large (>100 km bodies) were responsible for forming much of the diversity seen among planets. Indeed, impact of a Mars-sized body into the early Earth is believed to have caused the formation of the terrestrial Moon.

ISSN: 0016-7649
EISSN: 2041-479X
Serial Title: Journal of the Geological Society of London
Serial Volume: 164
Serial Issue: 3
Title: The formation of the solar system
Author(s): Russell, Sara S.
Affiliation: Natural History Museum, Department of Mineralogy, London, United Kingdom
Pages: 481-492
Published: 200705
Text Language: English
Publisher: Geological Society of London, London, United Kingdom
References: 93
Accession Number: 2007-062050
Categories: Extraterrestrial geology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 1 table
Country of Publication: United Kingdom
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from GeoScienceWorld, Alexandria, VA, United States. Reference includes data from The Geological Society, London, London, United Kingdom
Update Code: 200732
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