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Multi-azimuth and wide-azimuth seismic; shallow to deep water, exploration to production
Brian Barley and Tim Summers
Multi-azimuth and wide-azimuth seismic; shallow to deep water, exploration to production (in Offshore technology conference and wide-azimuth seismic acquisition, Joseph M. Reilly (prefacer) and Klaas Koster (prefacer))
Leading Edge (Tulsa, OK) (April 2007) 26 (4): 450-458
Multi-azimuth and wide-azimuth seismic; shallow to deep water, exploration to production (in Offshore technology conference and wide-azimuth seismic acquisition, Joseph M. Reilly (prefacer) and Klaas Koster (prefacer))
Leading Edge (Tulsa, OK) (April 2007) 26 (4): 450-458
Index Terms/Descriptors
- attenuation
- deep-seated structures
- deep-water environment
- geophysical methods
- imagery
- marine methods
- offshore
- petroleum
- petroleum engineering
- petroleum exploration
- production
- reservoir properties
- risk assessment
- seismic methods
- seismographs
- shallow depth
- subsalt strata
- three-component seismographs
- three-dimensional models
Ten years is a long time in geophysics. In the early days of 3D seismic surveys, in the 1980s say, it might have taken two years to acquire and process a 3D survey, and many business decisions simply could not wait that long. By the mid-1990s, our seismic contractors had done a wonderful job of making 3D seismic faster and cheaper while making it better--truly a "class act." Thanks to them, the overwhelming technical advantages of 3D are in routine use in almost every possible application today.
ISSN: 1070-485X
EISSN: 1938-3789
Serial Title: Leading Edge (Tulsa, OK)
Serial Volume: 26
Serial Issue: 4
Title: Multi-azimuth and wide-azimuth seismic; shallow to deep water, exploration to production
Title: Offshore technology conference and wide-azimuth seismic acquisition
Author(s): Barley, BrianSummers, Tim
Author(s): Reilly, Joseph M.prefacer
Author(s): Koster, Klaasprefacer
Affiliation: BP Exploration,
Pages: 450-458
Published: 200704
Text Language: English
Publisher: Society of Exploration Geophysicists,
Tulsa, OK,
United States
Meeting name: Offshore technology conference and wide-azimuth seismic acquisition
Meeting location: Houston, TX,
United States
Meeting date: 20070430April 30-May 3, 2007
Accession Number: 2007-049952
Categories: Economic geology, geology of energy sourcesApplied geophysics
Document Type: Serial Conference document
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. geol. sketch map, sect.
Secondary Affiliation: BP Exploration, Houston, TX,
United States
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from GeoScienceWorld, Alexandria, VA, United States. Reference includes data supplied by Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, OK, United States
Update Code: 200726