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Pyroxene polymorphs in melt veins of the heavily shocked Sixiangkou L6 chondrite

Zhang Aicheng, Hsu Weibiao, Wang Rucheng and Ding Mingwei
Pyroxene polymorphs in melt veins of the heavily shocked Sixiangkou L6 chondrite
European Journal of Mineralogy (December 2006) 18 (6): 719-726


High-pressure pyroxene polymorphs in shock-induced melt veins in the Sixiangkou chondrite include majorite and majorite-pyrope solid solution. Diopside, akimotoite and jadeite were also observed. The diopside co-exists with ringwoodite (+ akimotoite) in coarse-grained fragments of the melt veins. The two mechanisms suggested for the lack of phase transformation of diopside are 1) low local temperature and 2) a very sluggish transformation rate. Majorite and majorite-ringwoodite occur as coarse-grained polycrystalline and fine-grained solid solution; they were formed via solid state transformation and crystallized from a melt under pressure, respectively. Akimotoite co-exists with low-Ca pyroxene in coarse-grained fragments of melt veins. They have nearly identical chemical compositions to the host low-Ca pyroxene, implying a solid state transformation mechanism. Fine-grained jadeite appeared via retrograde transformation of lingunite under moderate post-shock pressure and high temperature conditions.The co-existence of different high-pressure pyroxene polymorphs reflects an inhomogeneous distribution of temperature in these shock-induced melt veins and a kinetic effect of phase transformations of minerals during shock metamorphism.

ISSN: 0935-1221
EISSN: 1617-4011
Serial Title: European Journal of Mineralogy
Serial Volume: 18
Serial Issue: 6
Title: Pyroxene polymorphs in melt veins of the heavily shocked Sixiangkou L6 chondrite
Affiliation: Purple Mountain Observatory, Laboratory for Astrochemistry and Planetary Sciences, Nanjing, China
Pages: 719-726
Published: 200612
Text Language: English
Publisher: Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Naegele u. Obermiller), Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany
References: 33
Accession Number: 2007-017124
Categories: Petrology of meteorites and tektites
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 1 table, anals.
Secondary Affiliation: Nanjing University, CHN, China
Country of Publication: Germany
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from Mineralogical Abstracts, United KingdomTwickenhamUKUnited Kingdom
Update Code: 200710
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