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Kudriavite, (Cd,Pb)Bi (sub 2) S (sub 4) , a new mineral species from Kudriavy Volcano, Iturup Island, Kurile Arc, Russia

Ilya V. Chaplygin, Nadezhda N. Mozgova, Larisa O. Magazina, Oksana Yu. Kuznetsova, Yury G. Safonov, Igor A. Bryzgalov, Emil Makovicky and Tonci Balic-Zunic
Kudriavite, (Cd,Pb)Bi (sub 2) S (sub 4) , a new mineral species from Kudriavy Volcano, Iturup Island, Kurile Arc, Russia
The Canadian Mineralogist (April 2005) 43, Part 2: 695-701


Kudriavite occurs as a high-temperature ( approximately 400 degrees C) fumarole incrustation in the steep inner wall of the crater rim of Kudriavy volcano on Iturup Island in the southern part of the Kurile arc; it is associated with cannizzarite, greenockite and pyrite. It forms elongate slender platy opaque crystals up to 0.4 x 0.2 x 0.02 mm; dark grey with a slightly reddish hue and a metallic lustre. Reflectance approximately 38%, VHN (sub 10) 129, D (sub calc) 6.578 g/cm (super 3) . EPMA gave Cd 8.25, Pb 13.10, Fe 0.17, Mn 0.26, Bi 55.37, In 2.80, Tl 0.02, S 17.70, Se 2.23, Cl 0.02, = 99.92, leading to the ideal formula CdBi (sub 2) S (sub 4) . Indexed XRD powder data are tabulated; strongest lines 3.520(s), 3.274(s), 2.948(s), 2.809(s), 3.715(m) Aa; a 13.095, b 4.0032, c 14.711 Aa, beta 115.59 degrees , V 695.5 Aa (super 3) , Z = 4, space group C2/m. The crystal structure was solved by direct methods and refined to R 4.88%. It is the first natural homologue N = 3 of pavonite. The name is for the locality.

ISSN: 0008-4476
EISSN: 1499-1276
Coden: CAMIA6
Serial Title: The Canadian Mineralogist
Serial Volume: 43, Part 2
Title: Kudriavite, (Cd,Pb)Bi (sub 2) S (sub 4) , a new mineral species from Kudriavy Volcano, Iturup Island, Kurile Arc, Russia
Affiliation: Russian Academy of Sciences, IGEM, Moscow, Russian Federation
Pages: 695-701
Published: 200504
Text Language: English
Publisher: Mineralogical Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada
References: 21
Accession Number: 2006-027653
Categories: Mineralogy of non-silicates
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 3 tables
N45°22'60" - N45°22'60", E148°49'00" - E148°49'00"
Secondary Affiliation: Moscow State University, RUS, Russian FederationUniversity of Copenhagen, DNK, Denmark
Country of Publication: Canada
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from Mineralogical Abstracts, United Kingdom, Twickenham, United Kingdom
Update Code: 200608
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