Kudriavite, (Cd,Pb)Bi (sub 2) S (sub 4) , a new mineral species from Kudriavy Volcano, Iturup Island, Kurile Arc, Russia
Kudriavite, (Cd,Pb)Bi (sub 2) S (sub 4) , a new mineral species from Kudriavy Volcano, Iturup Island, Kurile Arc, Russia
The Canadian Mineralogist (April 2005) 43, Part 2: 695-701
- Asia
- bismuthides
- cadmium
- Commonwealth of Independent States
- crystal chemistry
- crystal structure
- Etorofu Island
- formula
- fumaroles
- indium
- Kudryavyy
- Kuril Islands
- metals
- new minerals
- Russian Federation
- Russian Pacific region
- Sakhalin Russian Federation
- SEM data
- sulfides
- sulfosalts
- volcanoes
- X-ray diffraction data
- pavonite
- kudriavite
- cadmoindite
Kudriavite occurs as a high-temperature ( approximately 400 degrees C) fumarole incrustation in the steep inner wall of the crater rim of Kudriavy volcano on Iturup Island in the southern part of the Kurile arc; it is associated with cannizzarite, greenockite and pyrite. It forms elongate slender platy opaque crystals up to 0.4 x 0.2 x 0.02 mm; dark grey with a slightly reddish hue and a metallic lustre. Reflectance approximately 38%, VHN (sub 10) 129, D (sub calc) 6.578 g/cm (super 3) . EPMA gave Cd 8.25, Pb 13.10, Fe 0.17, Mn 0.26, Bi 55.37, In 2.80, Tl 0.02, S 17.70, Se 2.23, Cl 0.02, = 99.92, leading to the ideal formula CdBi (sub 2) S (sub 4) . Indexed XRD powder data are tabulated; strongest lines 3.520(s), 3.274(s), 2.948(s), 2.809(s), 3.715(m) Aa; a 13.095, b 4.0032, c 14.711 Aa, beta 115.59 degrees , V 695.5 Aa (super 3) , Z = 4, space group C2/m. The crystal structure was solved by direct methods and refined to R 4.88%. It is the first natural homologue N = 3 of pavonite. The name is for the locality.