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The use of magnetic methods in an environmental study of areas polluted with non-magnetic wastes of the mining industry (Salair region, Western Siberia, Russia)

Galina G. Matasova, Alexey Yu. Kazansky, Svetlana B. Bortnikova and Arkadii A. Airijants
The use of magnetic methods in an environmental study of areas polluted with non-magnetic wastes of the mining industry (Salair region, Western Siberia, Russia) (in Selected papers from the 6th international symposium on Environmental geochemistry, G. E. M. Hall (editor))
Geochemistry - Exploration, Environment, Analysis (February 2005) 5 (1): 75-89


Results obtained by combined geochemical and rock-magnetic studies of environment pollution are presented. The study area falls into a new special class of objects that has not been investigated earlier by magnetic methods: tailings of primary non-magnetic ores within an active geochemical environment and the absence of high-temperature processes in the technology of Pb-Zn ore recovery. Here an inverse correlation between metal (Pb, Zn, recovered from the ore) contents in the upper ground layer around the collection pond (highly polluted zone) and concentration-dependent magnetic characteristics (magnetic susceptibility, magnetic remanences) was found. This result conflicts with previous studies that focused on industrial and urban regions where enhanced magnetic properties of the environment (soils, sediments etc.) correspond to higher degrees of its pollution. In our case, the relationship between changes in magnetic properties and metal content variation is less pronounced but the overlap of geochemical and rock-magnetic anomalies over the study area is clear. The resulting maps confirm the advantage of magnetic methods as a proxy, rapid and inexpensive technique to measure pollution.

ISSN: 1467-7873
EISSN: 2041-4943
Serial Title: Geochemistry - Exploration, Environment, Analysis
Serial Volume: 5
Serial Issue: 1
Title: The use of magnetic methods in an environmental study of areas polluted with non-magnetic wastes of the mining industry (Salair region, Western Siberia, Russia)
Title: Selected papers from the 6th international symposium on Environmental geochemistry
Affiliation: Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch Institute of Geology, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Affiliation: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Pages: 75-89
Published: 200502
Text Language: English
Publisher: Geological Society Publishing House, London, United Kingdom
Meeting name: 6th international symposium on Environmental geochemistry
Meeting location: Edinburgh, GBR, United Kingdom
Meeting date: 200309Sept. 2003
References: 22
Accession Number: 2005-026454
Categories: Environmental geologyApplied geophysics
Document Type: Serial Conference document
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 4 tables, geol. sketch maps
N54°13'60" - N54°13'60", E85°54'00" - E85°54'00"
Country of Publication: United Kingdom
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from The Geological Society, London, London, United Kingdom
Update Code: 200514
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