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Mineralogical controls on arsenic mobility in the Baccu Locci stream catchment (Sardinia, Italy) affected by past mining

F. Frau and C. Ardau
Mineralogical controls on arsenic mobility in the Baccu Locci stream catchment (Sardinia, Italy) affected by past mining
Mineralogical Magazine (February 2004) 68 (1): 15-30


Mineralogical-chemical techniques (XRD, SEM/EDX, WDXRF) and a sequential selective extraction procedure were applied to mine-waste materials and stream sediments from the Baccu Locci stream catchment (Sardinia, Italy) affected by serious As contamination as a consequence of past mining. Results indicate that solid-state speciation of As is mainly dominated by the presence of Fe(III) hydroxides (arsenical ferrihydrites with various Fe/As molar ratios) occurring as coatings of silicate grains, in which As is contained as sorbed or co-precipitated species. Scorodite (FeAsO (sub 4) .2H (sub 2) O) is common too, whereas arsenopyrite is generally subordinate but, owing to its relatively rapid oxidation, environmentally significant. Moreover, some unidentified arsenates of Ca-Fe or K-Fe were also detected. Arsenic contained in these phases is slowly, but continuously, released in relatively small amounts through three main mechanisms: (1) oxidation of residual arsenopyrite to scorodite; (2) decomposition of scorodite into a hydroxide or oxide of Fe(III); (3) desorption/release from Fe(III) hydroxides. Decomposition of the unidentified arsenates is also probable, e.g. Ca-Fe arsenate --> calcite+Fe(III) hydroxide+As release. The flotation tailings are widely scattered and distributed in the middle-lower Baccu Locci stream catchment, and represent the most dangerous As-generating contamination source in the study area.

ISSN: 0026-461X
EISSN: 1471-8022
Serial Title: Mineralogical Magazine
Serial Volume: 68
Serial Issue: 1
Title: Mineralogical controls on arsenic mobility in the Baccu Locci stream catchment (Sardinia, Italy) affected by past mining
Author(s): Frau, F.Ardau, C.
Affiliation: Universita di Cagliari, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Cagliari, Italy
Pages: 15-30
Published: 200402
Text Language: English
Publisher: Mineralogical Society, London, United Kingdom
References: 22
Accession Number: 2004-056525
Categories: Geochemistry of rocks, soils, and sedimentsEnvironmental geology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch map
N38°49'60" - N41°30'00", E08°15'00" - E09°45'00"
Country of Publication: United Kingdom
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 200416
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