The active fracture model; its relation to fractal flow patterns and an evaluation using field observations
The active fracture model; its relation to fractal flow patterns and an evaluation using field observations
Vadose Zone Journal (May 2003) 2 (2): 259-269
- absolute age
- Basin and Range Province
- boreholes
- C-14
- carbon
- Cenozoic
- Crater Flat Tuff
- dates
- experimental studies
- field studies
- fractals
- fracturing
- gases
- ground water
- high-level waste
- hydrologic cycle
- hydrology
- igneous rocks
- isotopes
- Miocene
- movement
- Neogene
- Nevada
- North America
- Nye County Nevada
- Paintbrush Tuff
- pore water
- pyroclastics
- radioactive isotopes
- simulation
- site exploration
- soils
- Tertiary
- Tiva Canyon Member
- Topopah Spring Member
- United States
- unsaturated zone
- volcanic rocks
- waste disposal
- water table
- welded tuff
- Yucca Mountain
- active fracture models
The active fracture model (AFM) (Liu et al., 1998) has been widely used in modeling flow and transport in the unsaturated zone of Yucca Mountain, Nevada, a proposed repository of high-level nuclear wastes. This study presents an in-depth evaluation of the AFM, based on both theoretical arguments and field observations. We first argue that flow patterns observed from different unsaturated systems (including the unsaturated zone of Yucca Mountain) may be fractals. We derive an interesting relation between the AFM and the fractal flow behavior, indicating that the AFM essentially captures this important flow behavior at a subgrid scale. Finally, the validity of the AFM is demonstrated by the favorable comparison between simulation results based on the AFM and 14C age and fracture coating data collected from the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain. These data sets independently provide important insight into flow and transport processes at the Yucca Mountain site. Potential future improvements of the AFM include expanding it to consider film flow and multifractal concepts.