Lithostratigraphy and limiting optical ages of the Pleistocene fill in Fraser River valley near Clinton, south-central British Columbia
Lithostratigraphy and limiting optical ages of the Pleistocene fill in Fraser River valley near Clinton, south-central British Columbia
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences = Revue Canadienne des Sciences de la Terre (May 2001) 38 (5): 839-850
- British Columbia
- Canada
- Cenozoic
- clastic sediments
- diamicton
- drainage basins
- fluvial environment
- Fraser River
- glacial environment
- glacial features
- glacial lakes
- glaciation
- glaciofluvial environment
- glaciolacustrine environment
- lacustrine environment
- lakes
- lithostratigraphy
- optical mineralogy
- paleoclimatology
- Pleistocene
- Quaternary
- reconstruction
- relative age
- sediments
- surficial geology
- till
- valleys
- Western Canada
- Clinton British Columbia
The Fraser River valley near Clinton contains a thick sediment fill that is presently incised down to bedrock. The sequence, approximately 500 m thick, is generally upward fining and consists of up to 100 m of glacigenic debris flow diamicton and glaciofluvial-deltaic gravel and sand at the base, overlain by about 350 m of glaciolacustrine sediments and minor diamicton, which is in turn capped by several metres of till. The sequence is interpreted to represent (i) valley aggradation in response to glaciation, followed by (ii) the impoundment of the valley by sediment and (or) ice, and the formation of a large proglacial lake(s), and finally (iii) overriding of the valley fill by glaciers. This glacial advance sequence can be readily correlated with previously studied units situated immediately to the north, most of which have been associated with the last glaciation; however, the age of these units has been based only on stratigraphic relations. We introduce limiting optical ages from a widespread glaciolacustrine unit that show that the glacial advance sequence was formed, at the earliest, during the penultimate Okanagan Centre Glaciation (oxygen isotope stage 4; ca. 74-59 ka), but almost certainly during the (last) Fraser Glaciation (oxygen isotope stage 2; ca. 24-12 ka). It could not have been deposited during oxygen isotope stage 6, or during an older glaciation.