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Instability of perovskite in a CO (sub 2) -rich environment; examples from carbonatite and kimberlite

R. H. Mitchell and A. R. Chakhmouradian
Instability of perovskite in a CO (sub 2) -rich environment; examples from carbonatite and kimberlite
The Canadian Mineralogist (August 1998) 36, Part 4: 939-951


Intricate multiphase pseudomorphs after perovskite (Nb-, LREE-poor) from calcite carbonatite (Sebljavr complex, Kola Peninsula) and serpentine-calcite kimberlite (Iron Mountain, Wyoming) are described. In the kimberlite, the major products of perovskite replacement are (in order of crystallization): kassite, anatase and titanite plus calcite, ilmenite and LREE-Ti oxide. In the carbonatite, perovskite is initially replaced by anatase plus calcite and, subsequently, ilmenite and ancylite-(Ce). In both cases the development of calcite and Ti-bearing phases after perovskite involved initial progressive leaching of Ca (super 2+) from the structure followed by crystallization of ilmenite and LREE minerals in the final stages, after the precipitation of groundmass calcite. The formation of kassite and titanite in the pseudomorphs in kimberlite was controlled by a lower Ca leach-rate and higher activity of SiO (sub 2) in this system, compared with the carbonatite. The composition of ilmenite from carbonatites and kimberlites is considered; ilmenite compositions from Sebljavr plot along the ilmenite-geikielite join, whereas those from Irom Mountain are significantly enriched in pyrophanite.

ISSN: 0008-4476
EISSN: 1499-1276
Coden: CAMIA6
Serial Title: The Canadian Mineralogist
Serial Volume: 36, Part 4
Title: Instability of perovskite in a CO (sub 2) -rich environment; examples from carbonatite and kimberlite
Affiliation: Lakehead University, Department of Geology, Canada
Pages: 939-951
Published: 199808
Text Language: English
Summary Language: French
Publisher: Mineralogical Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada
References: 63
Accession Number: 1999-034131
Categories: Mineralogy of non-silicatesIgneous and metamorphic petrology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 2 tables
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Country of Publication: Canada
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from Mineralogical Abstracts, United KingdomTwickenhamUKUnited Kingdom
Update Code: 199912
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