Seeing through seismically difficult rocks unconventionally
Seeing through seismically difficult rocks unconventionally
Geophysics (August 1997) 62 (4): 1177-1182
Two wide-aperture, seismic profiles from traditionally poor-record or no-record areas are presented here--one acquired using an aperture of 12 km and the other acquired using an aperture of 9.6 km. Both seismic profiles were recorded with in-line geometry in a common-offset profiling mode. The wide-aperture sections with an aperture of longer than 5 km are far superior in data quality to the conventional 5-km aperture sections, which rarely show any interpretable events in the deep zones of major exploration interest. The wide-aperture recording technique can provide a viable alternative to conventional recording techniques in the poor-record or no-record terranes where the poor quality of conventional seismic data hampers exploration. Such poor-record or no-record areas commonly occur where upper layers of high seismic velocity overlie target layers of lower velocity.