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Cu/Pd and Cu/Pt of silicate rocks in the Bushveld Complex; implications for platinum-group element exploration

W. D. Maier, S. J. Barnes, W. J. de Klerk, B. Teigler and A. A. Mitchell
Cu/Pd and Cu/Pt of silicate rocks in the Bushveld Complex; implications for platinum-group element exploration
Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists (October 1996) 91 (6): 1151-1158


The Bushveld complex contains the bulk of the world's reserves of PGE. A total of 89 samples were analysed for Cu, Pd and Pt. The stratigraphy, sampling and analytical methods are reviewed and the results are discussed. The data are tabulated, plotted and discussed.

ISSN: 0361-0128
EISSN: 1554-0774
Serial Title: Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists
Serial Volume: 91
Serial Issue: 6
Title: Cu/Pd and Cu/Pt of silicate rocks in the Bushveld Complex; implications for platinum-group element exploration
Affiliation: Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi, Departement des Sciences de la Terre, Chicoutimi, QC, Canada
Pages: 1151-1158
Published: 199610
Text Language: English
Publisher: Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States
References: 48
Accession Number: 1997-026471
Categories: Economic geology, geology of ore deposits
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. strat. cols., 1 table, sketch map
S25°30'00" - S24°30'00", E26°30'00" - E27°30'00"
Secondary Affiliation: Albany Museum, ZAF, South AfricaRio Tinto Namibia, NAM, NamibiaUniversity of Durban-Westville, ZAF, South Africa
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from Mineralogical Abstracts, United KingdomTwickenhamUKUnited Kingdom
Update Code: 199709
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