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Hydrogeochemistry of minewaters flowing from abandoned coal workings in County Durham

P. L. Younger
Hydrogeochemistry of minewaters flowing from abandoned coal workings in County Durham
The Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology (November 1995) 28, Suppl. 2: S101-S113


Although all deep mining has now ceased in the Durham coalfield of northern England, dewatering still continues (in June 1995) in the central area of the Coal Measures outcrop.Beyond the radius of influence of the dewatering pumps, the water table has already recovered, and several uncontrolled minewater discharges are found. These waters are moderately mineralized(total dissolved solids in the range 600 to 2500mg/1) and may have appreciable alkalinity. Iron loadings are typically high and give rise to thick ochre deposits on streambeds. White deposits are associated with high aluminium concentrations. Sulphate occurs in the range 130-1300mg/1, but in the receiving waters downstream from discharge points reductions in sulphate concentration are observed. Preliminary hydrochemical modelling results suggest that these observed reductions are explicable by precipitation of iron sulphates (e.g.jarosite). Existing hydrochemical classification schemesinadequately characterize these waters; therefore a new scheme is proposed which should be applicable in many areas with similar geology. Immediate practical use of the results presented here lies in predicting possible future river pollution if dewatering ends, and planning for abatement of such pollution using constructed wetland technology.

ISSN: 0481-2085
Coden: QJEGA7
Serial Title: The Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology
Serial Volume: 28, Suppl. 2
Title: Hydrogeochemistry of minewaters flowing from abandoned coal workings in County Durham
Author(s): Younger, P. L.
Affiliation: University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Department of Civil Engineering, Newcastle, United Kingdom
Pages: S101-S113
Published: 199511
Text Language: English
Publisher: Scottish Academic Press; Geological Society of London, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
References: 36
Accession Number: 1996-014826
Categories: Environmental geology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 4 tables, sketch map
Country of Publication: United Kingdom
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 199606
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