Cordierite andalusite-bearing micaschist from the Garabonc-1 borehole (Central Transdanubia, W. Hungary) geothermo-barometry and fluid inclusion study
Cordierite andalusite-bearing micaschist from the Garabonc-1 borehole (Central Transdanubia, W. Hungary) geothermo-barometry and fluid inclusion study (in Proceedings of the Eleventh European symposium on Fluid inclusions research (ECROFI XI), Benedetto De Vivo (editor) and Pierfranco Lattanzi (editor))
European Journal of Mineralogy (October 1992) 4 (5): 1125-1136
Polymetamorphic cordierite andalusite-bearing micashist from this borehole has been affected by three metamorphic episodes: 1) medium-P, medium-grade Barrovian-type metamorphism (800-900 MPa, 500-550 degrees C), defined by the appearance of staurolite and kyanite. There are no geochronological data concerning the age of this episode; based on certain assumptions it is most probably related to the Caledonian or early Hercynian orogenies; 2) low-P, medium-grade (200-300 MPa, 560-580 degrees C); and 3) contact metamorphism (100-150 MPa, 600-640 degrees C) which was caused by an intruding granitic body. The characteristic minerals are andalusite, cordierite, fibrolite and spinel. The age of the granite intrusion is Carboniferous. The most dense CO (sub 2) +- CH (sub 4) +- N (sub 2) fluid, hypersaline brine was trapped during the third stage. The cooling and uplift of the terrain is recorded by low-to-intermediate salinity aqueous and gaseous CH (sub 4) +- CO (sub 2) inclusions.