Late Wisconsinan-early Holocene riparian paleoenvironment in southeastern Iowa
Late Wisconsinan-early Holocene riparian paleoenvironment in southeastern Iowa
Geological Society of America Bulletin (February 1993) 105 (2): 206-212
- absolute age
- C-14
- carbon
- Cenozoic
- dates
- floral list
- fluvial environment
- glacial environment
- Holocene
- Iowa
- isotopes
- Johnson County Iowa
- lithostratigraphy
- lower Holocene
- microfossils
- miospores
- paleoecology
- paleoenvironment
- paleogeography
- palynomorphs
- Plantae
- Pleistocene
- pollen
- postglacial environment
- Quaternary
- radioactive isotopes
- riparian environment
- sediments
- United States
- upper Pleistocene
- upper Wisconsinan
- valleys
- Wisconsinan
- southeastern Iowa
- Iowa City Iowa
The lithostratigraphy, radiocarbon ages, and pollen and plant macrofossil assemblages in a low terrace on the Iowa River beyond the Wisconsinan glacial boundary reveal regional alluvial relationships and indicate that valleys were important corridors during vegetational change in the Midwest. Basal pebbly sands probably represent a valley train from a central Iowa glacial advance approximately 25,000 to approximately 21,000 yr B.P. Overlying organic silts indicate low energy conditions from approximately 21,000 to approximately 15,000 yr B.P. Pebbly sands of an upper valley train were deposited from approximately 14,000 yr B.P. until 10,000 yr B.P., about 1,500 yr after the Des Moines Lobe had retreated out of the Iowa River Basin.Pollen and plant macrofossils from the top of the upper pebbly sands indicate that the area was covered by mixed conifer-hardwood forest taxa whose pollen percentages do not match those predicted by models of vegetational change in eastern North America. Boreal elements with general distribution over 500 km to the north at 10,000 yr B.P. persisted in peatland habitats. The valley environment contained a variety of edaphic and microctimatic conditions that supported diverse plant communities. During glacial-interglacial transitions, medium to large valleys served as migration corridors for plant taxa and harbored riparian communities without modern analogs.