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SEG/EAEG reservoir geophysics workshop
Ralphe Wiggins
SEG/EAEG reservoir geophysics workshop
Geophysics: The Leading Edge of Exploration (April 1989) 8 (4): 38-41
SEG/EAEG reservoir geophysics workshop
Geophysics: The Leading Edge of Exploration (April 1989) 8 (4): 38-41
Index Terms/Descriptors
- applications
- arrays
- body waves
- downhole methods
- elastic waves
- electromagnetic methods
- engineering geology
- geochemical logging
- geophysical methods
- geophysical profiles
- geostatistics
- methods
- P-waves
- permeability
- petroleum engineering
- porosity
- reservoir properties
- seismic methods
- seismic profiles
- seismic waves
- statistical analysis
- symposia
- three-dimensional models
- tomography
- vertical seismic profiles
- well-logging
ISSN: 0732-989X
Serial Title: Geophysics: The Leading Edge of Exploration
Serial Volume: 8
Serial Issue: 4
Title: SEG/EAEG reservoir geophysics workshop
Author(s): Wiggins, Ralphe
Affiliation: Schlumberger-Doll Res.,
United States
Pages: 38-41
Published: 198904
Text Language: English
Publisher: Society of Exploration Geophysicists,
Tulsa, OK,
United States
Accession Number: 1989-038461
Categories: Economic geology, geology of energy sourcesApplied geophysicsEngineering geology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus.
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 1989