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Early Oligocene ice-sheet expansion on Antarctica; stable isotope and sedimentological evidence from Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean

James C. Zachos, James R. Breza and Sherwood W. Wise
Early Oligocene ice-sheet expansion on Antarctica; stable isotope and sedimentological evidence from Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean
Geology (Boulder) (June 1992) 20 (6): 569-573


Sedimentological and stable isotope data from a pelagic sequence recovered from the southern Indian Ocean provide the most convincing evidence to date for short-term expansion of a large ice sheet on Antarctica during the earliest Oligocene ( approximately 36 Ma). Terrigenous debris identified as ice-rafted in origin on the basis of textural, compositional, and size criteria is present at the same stratigraphic level as the ubiquitous early Oligocene oxygen isotope shift. The highest benthic foraminiferal delta 18O values (>3.0ppm) of the Paleogene occur in samples from within the ice-rafted debris interval. These values are similar to those recorded by Holocene benthic foraminifera, implying that the ice sheet may have attained a volume similar to that of the present-day ice sheet on Antarctica. The stratigraphic distribution of ice-rafted debris and high oxygen isotope values indicate that these conditions persisted for roughly 100 ka.

ISSN: 0091-7613
EISSN: 1943-2682
Serial Title: Geology (Boulder)
Serial Volume: 20
Serial Issue: 6
Title: Early Oligocene ice-sheet expansion on Antarctica; stable isotope and sedimentological evidence from Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean
Affiliation: Univ. Mich., Dep. Geol. Sci., Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Pages: 569-573
Published: 199206
Text Language: English
Publisher: Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO, United States
References: 34
Accession Number: 1992-034412
Categories: StratigraphyIsotope geochemistry
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. sketch map
S58°19'60" - S58°10'00", E78°58'30" - E78°58'60"
Secondary Affiliation: Fla. State Univ., USA, United States
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 1992
Program Name: ODPOcean Drilling Program
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