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Cause and significance of heave at Llandough Hospital, Cardiff; a case history of ground floor heave due to gypsum growth

A. B. Hawkins and G. M. Pinches
Cause and significance of heave at Llandough Hospital, Cardiff; a case history of ground floor heave due to gypsum growth
The Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology (1987) 20 (1): 41-57


Inspection of some roof areas at Llandough Hospital, Cardiff indicated that the brick walls had moved outward at eaves level. A level survey of the ground floor showed approximately 60 mm of arching. The paper describes the structure, the site investigation to assess the cause of the damage and geochemical and microbiological tests on the black calcareous pyritic mudstones of the underlying Westbury Formation. The paper concludes that the heave was caused by volume change related to the growth of gypsum.

ISSN: 0481-2085
Coden: QJEGA7
Serial Title: The Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology
Serial Volume: 20
Serial Issue: 1
Title: Cause and significance of heave at Llandough Hospital, Cardiff; a case history of ground floor heave due to gypsum growth
Affiliation: Univ. Bristol, Dep. Geol., Bristol, United Kingdom
Pages: 41-57
Published: 1987
Text Language: English
Publisher: Scottish Academic Press; Geological Society of London, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
References: 25
Accession Number: 1988-075089
Categories: Engineering geology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 7 tables, geol. sketch maps
N51°30'00" - N51°30'00", W03°13'00" - W03°13'00"
Country of Publication: United Kingdom
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 1988
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