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Sedimentation in a tectonically partitioned, nonmarine foreland basin; the Lower Cretaceous Kootenai Formation, southwestern Montana
Peter G. DeCelles
Sedimentation in a tectonically partitioned, nonmarine foreland basin; the Lower Cretaceous Kootenai Formation, southwestern Montana
Geological Society of America Bulletin (August 1986) 97 (8): 911-931
Sedimentation in a tectonically partitioned, nonmarine foreland basin; the Lower Cretaceous Kootenai Formation, southwestern Montana
Geological Society of America Bulletin (August 1986) 97 (8): 911-931
Index Terms/Descriptors
- basins
- clastic rocks
- controls
- Cretaceous
- depositional environment
- fluvial environment
- fluvial sedimentation
- fluviolacustrine sedimentation
- Kootenai Formation
- lacustrine sedimentation
- Lower Cretaceous
- Mesozoic
- Montana
- North America
- Northern Rocky Mountains
- paleogeography
- provenance
- Rocky Mountains
- sedimentary basins
- sedimentary rocks
- sedimentation
- stratigraphy
- structural controls
- structural geology
- tectonics
- textures
- United States
- uplifts
- southwestern Montana
Latitude & Longitude
ISSN: 0016-7606
EISSN: 1943-2674
Serial Title: Geological Society of America Bulletin
Serial Volume: 97
Serial Issue: 8
Title: Sedimentation in a tectonically partitioned, nonmarine foreland basin; the Lower Cretaceous Kootenai Formation, southwestern Montana
Author(s): DeCelles, Peter G.
Affiliation: Indiana Univ., Dep. Geol.,
Bloomington, IN,
United States
Pages: 911-931
Published: 198608
Text Language: English
Publisher: Geological Society of America (GSA),
Boulder, CO,
United States
References: 110
Accession Number: 1986-061800
Categories: Sedimentary petrologyStructural geology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 1 tables, sects., sketch maps
N44°30'00" - N49°00'00", W116°01'60" - W104°01'60"
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2022, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 1986