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Mid- to late-stage kimberlitic melt evolution; phlogopites and oxides from the Fayette County kimberlite, Pennsylvania
Robert H. Hunter, Randal D. Kissling and Lawrence A. Taylor
Mid- to late-stage kimberlitic melt evolution; phlogopites and oxides from the Fayette County kimberlite, Pennsylvania
American Mineralogist (February 1984) 69 (1-2): 30-40
Mid- to late-stage kimberlitic melt evolution; phlogopites and oxides from the Fayette County kimberlite, Pennsylvania
American Mineralogist (February 1984) 69 (1-2): 30-40
Index Terms/Descriptors
- carbonates
- chain silicates
- clinopyroxene
- diopside
- enstatite
- Fayette County Pennsylvania
- garnet group
- igneous rocks
- ilmenite
- inclusions
- kimberlite
- magmas
- megacrysts
- mica group
- nesosilicates
- olivine
- olivine group
- orthopyroxene
- orthosilicates
- oxides
- Pennsylvania
- peridotites
- petrology
- phlogopite
- plutonic rocks
- pollution
- pyrope
- pyroxene group
- rutile
- serpentine
- serpentine group
- sheet silicates
- silicates
- spinel
- ultramafic composition
- ultramafics
- United States
- xenoliths
- southwestern Pennsylvania
- phlogopites
- picroilmenite
- peronskite
Latitude & Longitude
The mid- to late-stage chemical evolution of a kimberlite melt is interpreted through the analysis of the petrography and mineral chemistry of the groundmass phlogopites and oxides.
ISSN: 0003-004X
EISSN: 1945-3027
Serial Title: American Mineralogist
Serial Volume: 69
Serial Issue: 1-2
Title: Mid- to late-stage kimberlitic melt evolution; phlogopites and oxides from the Fayette County kimberlite, Pennsylvania
Affiliation: Univ. Tenn., Dep. Geol. Sci.,
Knoxville, TN,
United States
Pages: 30-40
Published: 198402
Text Language: English
Publisher: Mineralogical Society of America,
Washington, DC,
United States
Accession Number: 1986-019454
Categories: Igneous and metamorphic petrology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch map
N39°43'00" - N40°07'60", W80°00'00" - W79°16'60"
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from Mineralogical Abstracts, United KingdomTwickenhamUKUnited Kingdom
Update Code: 1986