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The engineering geology hazards of rock glaciers

John R. Giardino and Steven G. Vick
The engineering geology hazards of rock glaciers
Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists (May 1985) 22 (2): 201-216


Rock glaciers are common, yet, because of the association with past periglacial and glacial activity, are often ignored as present day engineering hazards. As alpine development increases, rock glacier location and analysis becomes vital. Air and ground reconnaissance easily identifies rock glaciers using four characteristics: 1) slope angle somewhere between that of the adjoining rock face and the valley floor below; 2) surface of coarse rock fragments; 3) little or no surface vegetation; and 4) concave-upward slope profiles in the upper parts and strongly convex fronts.--Modified journal abstract.

ISSN: 0004-5691
Coden: ENGEA9
Serial Title: Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists
Serial Volume: 22
Serial Issue: 2
Title: The engineering geology hazards of rock glaciers
Affiliation: Tex. A&M Univ., Dep. Geogr. and Geol., College Station, TX, United States
Pages: 201-216
Published: 198505
Text Language: English
Publisher: Association of Engineering Geologists, Dallas, TX, United States
References: 48
Accession Number: 1985-064859
Categories: Engineering geology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 2 tables
Secondary Affiliation: Fox Consult., USA, United States
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 1985
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