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Palmatolepis-based revision of upper part of standard Late Devonian conodont zonation

Willi Ziegler and Charles A. Sandberg
Palmatolepis-based revision of upper part of standard Late Devonian conodont zonation (in Conodont biofacies and provincialism, David L. Clark (editor))
Special Paper - Geological Society of America (1984) 196: 179-194


The standard Late Devonian conodont zonation between the top of the Upper marginifera Zone and the earliest Carboniferous Siphonodella sulcata Zone is revised to replace the former velifer, styriacus, and costatus zonal groups, which were based primarily on genera other than Palmatolepis, and to eliminate a hiatus above the Upper costatus Zone. The changes were enabled by a new phylogenetic model of Palmatolepis, by range extensions that bridge former gaps between the records of some Palmatolepis taxa, and by further taxonomic revisions of some double-rowed Bispathodus taxa. Basing the standard zonation on conodonts of primarily pelagic biofacies permits construction of parallel, alternative zonations for shallower water biofacies and estimation of phylogenetically more precise zonal timespans.

ISSN: 0072-1077
EISSN: 2331-219X
Serial Title: Special Paper - Geological Society of America
Serial Volume: 196
Title: Palmatolepis-based revision of upper part of standard Late Devonian conodont zonation
Title: Conodont biofacies and provincialism
Author(s): Ziegler, WilliSandberg, Charles A.
Author(s): Clark, David L.editor
Affiliation: Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, Federal Republic of Germany
Affiliation: Univ. Wis. Madison, Dep. Geol. and Geophys., Madison, WI, United States
Pages: 179-194
Published: 1984
Text Language: English
Publisher: Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO, United States
ISBN: 0-8137-2196-2
Meeting name: Pander Society symposium ; conodont biofacies and provincialism
Meeting location: Madison, WI, USA, United States
Meeting date: 19830428Apr. 28-30, 1983
References: 44
Accession Number: 1985-041026
Categories: Stratigraphy
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus.
Secondary Affiliation: U. S. Geol. Surv., USA, United States
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 1985
Program Name: USGSOPNon-USGS publications with USGS authors
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