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Subsidence over oil and gas fields
J. C. Martin and S. Serdengecti
Subsidence over oil and gas fields (in Man-induced land subsidence, Thomas L. Holzer (editor))
Reviews in Engineering Geology (1984) 6: 23-34
Subsidence over oil and gas fields (in Man-induced land subsidence, Thomas L. Holzer (editor))
Reviews in Engineering Geology (1984) 6: 23-34
Index Terms/Descriptors
Latitude & Longitude
Most oil and gas reservoirs experience only small amounts of compaction and surface subsidence. Significant subsidence due to production of hydrocarbons has been observed over some oil and gas fields. This paper presents a review of the fundamentals of reservoir compaction and surface subsidence over oil and gas fields and explains why large-scale subsidence is rare. A new method of estimating maximum potential subsidence is presented and used to analyze the subsidence over oil and gas fields in Louisiana.--Modified book abstract.
ISSN: 0080-2018
EISSN: 2169-799X
Coden: GAEGA4
Serial Title: Reviews in Engineering Geology
Serial Volume: 6
Title: Subsidence over oil and gas fields
Title: Man-induced land subsidence
Affiliation: Chevron Oil Field Res. Co.,
La Habra, CA,
United States
Affiliation: U. S. Geol. Surv.,
Reston, VA,
United States
Pages: 23-34
Published: 1984
Text Language: English
Publisher: Geological Society of America (GSA),
Boulder, CO,
United States
ISBN: 0-8137-4106-8
Meeting name: Man-induced land subsidence
Meeting location: Atlanta, GA,
United States
Meeting date: 19801119Nov. 19, 1980
References: 47
Accession Number: 1985-029251
Categories: Engineering geology
Document Type: Serial Conference document
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus.
N29°00'00" - N33°00'00", W94°04'60" - W89°00'00"
Secondary Affiliation: Harvey Mudd Coll.,
United States
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 1985